查看器SDK教程 viewer-sdk-tutorial

Viewer SDK为自定义查看器开发提供一组基于JavaScript的组件。 查看器是基于Web的应用程序,允许将Adobe Dynamic Media提供的富媒体内容嵌入到网页中。

例如,SDK提供交互式缩放和平移。 此外,对于通过名为Dynamic Media Classic的后端应用程序上传到AdobeDynamic Media的资源,它还提供了360度视图和视频播放。

即使组件依赖于HTML5功能,但它们设计为可在Android™和Apple iOS设备以及台式机(包括Internet Explorer及更高版本)上运行。 这种体验意味着您能够为所有受支持的平台提供单个工作流。

SDK由构成查看器内容的UI组件组成。 您可以通过CSS以及具有某种支持角色(如集定义提取以及解析或跟踪)的非UI组件来设置这些组件的样式。 所有组件行为都可以通过修饰符进行自定义,您可以通过多种方式指定修饰符,例如,在URL中指定为name=value对。


从Adobe Developer Connection下载最新的查看器SDK section-84dc74c9d8e24a2380b6cf8fc28d7127

  1. 从Adobe Developer Connection 下载最新的查看器SDK。

    note note
    您可以完成本教程,而无需下载Viewer SDK包,因为SDK是远程加载的。 但是,查看器包中包含其他示例和API参考指南,可以帮助您创建自己的查看器。

加载查看器SDK section-98596c276faf4cf79ccf558a9f4432c6

  1. 首先,设置一个新页面来开发您要创建的基本缩放查看器。

    请考虑此新页面,其中包含了用于设置空SDK应用程序的Bootstrap(或加载器)代码。 打开您喜爱的文本编辑器,并在其中粘贴以下HTML标记:

    code language-html
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
            <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, height=device-height, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"/>
            <!-- Hiding the Safari on iPhone OS UI components -->
            <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"/>
            <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black"/>
            <meta name="apple-touch-fullscreen" content="no"/>
            <title>Custom Viewer</title>
                Include Utils.js before you use any of the SDK components. This file
                contains SDK utilities and global functions that are used to initialize the viewer and load viewer
                components. The path to the Utils.js determines which version of the SDK that the viewer uses. You
                can use a relative path if the viewer is deployed on one of the Adobe Dynamic Media servers and it is served
                from the same domain. Otherwise, specify a full path to one of Adobe Dynamic Media servers that have the SDK
            <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"
            <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

    将以下JavaScript代码添加到script标记中,以初始化ParameterManager。 这样做有助于您准备在initViewer函数中创建和实例化SDK组件:

    code language-javascript
    /* We create a self-running anonymous function to encapsulate variable scope. Placing code inside such
       a function is optional, but this prevents variables from polluting the global object.  */
    (function () {
        // Initialize the SDK
        /* Create an instance of the ParameterManager component to collect components' configuration
           that can come from a viewer preset, URL, or the HTML page itself. The ParameterManager
           component also sends a notification s7sdk.Event.SDK_READY when all needed files are loaded
           and the configuration parameters are processed. The other components should never be initialized
           outside this handler. After defining the handler for the s7sdk.Event.SDK_READY event, it
           is safe to initiate configuration initialization by calling ParameterManager.init(). */
        var params = new s7sdk.ParameterManager();
        /* Event handler for s7sdk.Event.SDK_READY dispatched by ParameterManager to initialize various components of
           this viewer. */
        function initViewer() {
        /* Add event handler for the s7sdk.Event.SDK_READY event dispatched by the ParameterManager when all modifiers
           are processed and it is safe to initialize the viewer. */
        params.addEventListener(s7sdk.Event.SDK_READY, initViewer, false);
        /* Initiate configuration initialization of ParameterManager. */
  2. 将文件另存为空模板。 您可以使用所需的任何文件名。

    以后创建任何查看器时,可以使用此空模板文件作为引用。 此模板在本地使用,在从Web服务器提供服务时也可使用。


向查看器添加样式 section-3783125360a1425eae5a5a334867cc32

  1. 对于您正在创建的此全页查看器,可以添加一些基本样式。


    code language-html
        html, body {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
        body {
            /* Remove any padding and margin around the edges of the browser window */
            padding: 0;
            margin: 0;
            /* We set overflow to hidden so that scroll bars do not flicker when resizing the window */
            overflow: hidden;


包括容器和ZoomView section-1a01730663154a508b88cc40c6f35539

  1. 通过包含组件ContainerZoomView创建实际查看器。


    code language-javascript
        Add an "include" statement with a related module for each component that is needed for that particular
        viewer. Check API documentation to see a complete list of components and their modules.
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
  2. 现在,创建变量以引用各种SDK组件。


    code language-javascript
    var container, zoomView;
  3. initViewer函数中插入以下内容,以便您可以定义一些修饰符并实例化各个组件:

    code language-javascript
    /* Modifiers can be added directly to ParameterManager instance */
    params.push("serverurl", "http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/image");
    params.push("asset", "Scene7SharedAssets/ImageSet-Views-Sample");
    /* Create a viewer container as a parent component for other user interface components that
       are part of the viewer application and associate event handlers for resize and
       full-screen notification. The advantage of using Container as the parent is the
       component's ability to resize and bring itself and its children to full-screen. */
    container = new s7sdk.common.Container(null, params, "s7container");
    container.addEventListener(s7sdk.event.ResizeEvent.COMPONENT_RESIZE, containerResize, false);
    /* Create ZoomView component */
    zoomView = new s7sdk.image.ZoomView("s7container", params, "myZoomView");
    /* We call this to ensure all SDK components are scaled to initial conditions when viewer loads */
    resizeViewer(container.getWidth(), container.getHeight());
  4. 要使上述代码正确运行,请添加containerResize事件处理程序和帮助程序函数:

    code language-javascript
    /* Event handler for s7sdk.event.ResizeEvent.COMPONENT_RESIZE events dispatched by Container to resize
       various view components included in this viewer. */
    function containerResize(event) {
        resizeViewer(event.s7event.w, event.s7event.h);
    /* Resize viewer components */
    function resizeViewer(width, height) {
        zoomView.resize(width, height);
  5. 预览页面,以便查看您创建的内容。 您的页面应如下所示:



将媒体集和样本组件添加到查看器 section-02b8c21dd842400e83eae2a48ec265b7

  1. 若要使用户能够从图像集中选择图像,您可以添加组件MediaSetSwatches

    添加以下SDK includes:

    code language-javascript
  2. 使用以下内容更新变量列表:

    code language-javascript
    var mediaSet, container, zoomView, swatches;
  3. initViewer函数中实例化MediaSetSwatches组件。


    code language-javascript
    // Create MediaSet to manage assets and add event listener to the NOTF_SET_PARSED event
    mediaSet = new s7sdk.set.MediaSet(null, params, "mediaSet");
    // Add MediaSet event listener
    mediaSet.addEventListener(s7sdk.event.AssetEvent.NOTF_SET_PARSED, onSetParsed, false);
    /* create Swatches component and associate event handler for swatch selection notification */
    swatches = new s7sdk.set.Swatches("s7container", params, "mySwatches");
    swatches.addEventListener(s7sdk.event.AssetEvent.SWATCH_SELECTED_EVENT, swatchSelected, false);
  4. 现在添加以下事件处理程序函数:

    code language-javascript
    /* Event handler for the s7sdk.event.AssetEvent.NOTF_SET_PARSED event dispatched by MediaSet to
       assign the asset to the Swatches when parsing is complete. */
    function onSetParsed(e) {
        // set media set for Swatches to display
        var mediasetDesc = e.s7event.asset;
        // select the first swatch by default
        swatches.selectSwatch(0, true);
    /* Event handler for s7sdk.event.AssetEvent.SWATCH_SELECTED_EVENT events dispatched by Swatches to switch
       the image in the ZoomView when a different swatch is selected. */
    function swatchSelected(event) {
  5. 通过将以下CSS添加到style元素中,将样本放在查看器底部:

    code language-css
    /* Align swatches to bottom of viewer */
    .s7swatches {
        bottom: 0;
        left: 0;
        right: 0;
        height: 150px;
  6. 预览查看器。

    请注意,色板位于查看器左下方。 要使样本占据整个查看器宽度,可添加调用以在用户调整浏览器大小时手动调整样本的大小。 将以下内容添加到resizeViewer函数:

    code language-javascript
    swatches.resize(width, swatches.getHeight());

    您的查看器现在类似于以下图像。 尝试调整查看器浏览器窗口的大小并注意产生的行为。



向查看器添加按钮 section-1fc334fa0d2b47eb9cdad461725c07be

  1. 目前,用户只能使用点击或触摸手势进行缩放。 因此,请向查看器添加一些基本的缩放控制按钮。


    code language-css
  2. 使用以下内容更新变量列表:

    code language-javascript
    var mediaSet, container, zoomView, swatches, zoomInButton, zoomOutButton, zoomResetButton;
  3. initViewer函数底部实例化按钮。


    code language-css
    /* Create Zoom In, Zoom Out and Zoom Reset buttons */
    zoomInButton  = new s7sdk.common.ZoomInButton("s7container", params, "zoomInBtn");
    zoomOutButton = new s7sdk.common.ZoomOutButton("s7container", params, "zoomOutBtn");
    zoomResetButton = new s7sdk.common.ZoomResetButton("s7container", params, "zoomResetBtn");
    /* Add handlers for zoom in, zoom out and zoom reset buttons inline. */
    zoomInButton.addEventListener("click", function() { zoomView.zoomIn(); });
    zoomOutButton.addEventListener("click", function() { zoomView.zoomOut(); });
    zoomResetButton.addEventListener("click", function() { zoomView.zoomReset(); });
  4. 现在,通过将以下内容添加到文件顶部的style块,为按钮定义一些基本样式:

    code language-css
    /* define styles common to all button components and their sub-classes */
    .s7button {
        width: 28px;
        height: 28px;
    /* position individual buttons*/
    .s7zoominbutton  {
        top: 50px;
        left: 50px;
    .s7zoomoutbutton  {
        top: 50px;
        left: 80px;
    .s7zoomresetbutton  {
        top: 50px;
        left: 110px;
  5. 预览查看器。 它应如下所示:



垂直配置样本 section-91a8829d5b5a4d45a35b7faeb097fcc9

  1. 您可以直接在ParameterManager实例上配置修饰符。


    code language-javascript
    params.push("Swatches.tmblayout", "1,0");
  2. 更新resizeViewer中的以下调整大小调用:

    code language-javascript
    swatches.resize(swatches.getWidth(), height);
  3. ZoomViewer.css中编辑以下s7swatches规则:

    code language-css
    .s7swatches {
        top:0 ;
        bottom: 0;
        right: 0;
        width: 150px;
  4. 预览查看器。 它类似于:



    此查看器教程介绍了Dynamic Media Viewer SDK提供的功能的基础知识。 在使用SDK时,您可以使用各种标准组件轻松地为目标受众构建和设置丰富的查看体验。
