The Quality Patches Tool is a command-line tool that delivers
quality patches for Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source.
It allows you to:
- View general information about the latest quality patches
- Apply quality patches
- Revert applied patches
Adobe Commerce support and the Magento Open Source community develop quality patches
The Quality Patches Tool is for quality patches only. Security patches are available in the Magento Security Center.
We do not recommend using the Quality Patches Tool to apply large numbers of patches, because it increases the complexity of your code, which makes upgrading to a new version of Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source more difficult.
Available patches
Patch Category:
Patch Id
Compatible Releases
Revert PlaceOrder backwards incompatible changes included in 2.4.6-p8.
Fixes the error "Call to undefined method ReflectionUnionType::getName()" happening when installing 2.4.4-pX versions.
For some releases patch will be installed in a bundle with other required patches: - ACSD-55031 - 2.4.4-p12, 2.4.4-p11, 2.4.4-p10, 2.4.4-p9, 2.4.4-p8, 2.4.4-p7, 2.4.4-p6, 2.4.4-p5, 2.4.4-p4, 2.4.4-p3, 2.4.4-p2, 2.4.4-p1, 2.4.4
Please check the requirements for additional patches before applying this patch.
Fixes issue with PayPal Payflow Pro payment method and treating cookies as SameSite=Lax by default in the Chrome 80 browser and API response redirect to customer login page
Fixes the issue with layered navigation, where the 'No' value for boolean type product attributes was not included in layered navigation if Elasticsearch was used as a search engine.
Fixes the issue where merchants could not interact with any page elements on the Returns page after creating a shipping label for a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA).
Fixes the issue where if an order was placed with no payment information required (for example, with 100% discount) and an invoice was created for the order, the order status changes to Closed instead of Complete.
Fixes the issue with wrong image URLs are created when generating a sitemap by cron.
For some releases patch will be installed in a bundle with other required patches: - MCLOUD-3025 - 2.3.4-p2, 2.3.4-p1, 2.3.4, 2.3.3-p2, 2.3.3, 2.3.2-p2, 2.3.2-p1, 2.3.2
Please check the requirements for additional patches before applying this patch.
Fixes the issue where "No such entity with cartid = 0" error is displayed for guest customer on storefront checkout if persistent shopping cart is enabled.
Fixes the issue when creating a product via an API call, the product custom attribute of "\Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Backend\ArrayBackend" (like Multiselect) type does not use its default value if no value was provided in the payload.
Added a configuration setting "Include Tax to Amount": Yes/No in Free Shipping method configuration. When "Include Tax to Amount" is set to Yes Minimum Order Amount is calculated as = Subtotal + Tax. When "Include Tax to Amount" is set to No Minimum Order Amount is calculated as = Subtotal
Fixes a blank page (error) when "Show All" is selected. Elasticsearch returns large list of product ids. In this scenario the order by clause gets converted to an incorrect SQL format.
Catalog Search
For some releases patch will be installed in a bundle with other required patches: - MAGECLOUD-4847 - 2.3.3
Please check the requirements for additional patches before applying this patch.
Fixes the issue where when you changed how many search results should be displayed on the search results page, Magento displayed a blank page. Elasticsearch now correctly displays results from category pages when you change the number of search results viewed per page.
Catalog Search
For some releases patch will be installed in a bundle with other required patches: - MCLOUD-5684 - 2.3.3, 2.3.2-p2, 2.3.2-p1, 2.3.2 - MDVA-31321 - 2.3.2-p2, 2.3.2-p1, 2.3.2 - MAGECLOUD-4847 - 2.3.3
Please check the requirements for additional patches before applying this patch.
Fixes the issue where performance issues exists in module-catalog-import-export/Model/Import/Product/Option.php. If there are more than ~100k records in catalog_product_option table, a new CSV with single product takes less than 10 sec to validate.
Fixes the issue with Advanced Reporting where the analytics_collect_data cronjob says: "Port must be configured within host parameter (like localhost:3306)".
Fixes the issue where you receive a fatal error message when updating carts "Call to a member function getValue() on null in module-configurable-product CartItemProcessor.php".
Fixes the issue where the store credit and gift card balances are not returned by the GET Invoice Rest API call, when the invoice was posted by Rest API call and the order was partially paid by store credit and gift card accounts.
Replaces the standard analyzer with a custom analyzer with keyword tokenizer for the SKU field in the ElasticSearch index, to make wildcard search queries work with SKUs containing a hyphen ("-").
Fixes the issue where products filtering results set to only contain values specified for 'All store views' scope in Admin, include products with values overridden on the store view level.
Fixes the issue where the "Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time" error is displayed when failing to connect to UPS XML/USPS/DHL, and no other shipping method is available.