Analysera lagernivåer

I det här avsnittet visas hur du konfigurerar en instrumentpanel som ger insikter om ditt nuvarande lager och innehåller instruktioner för kunder om både den äldre arkitekturen eller den nya arkitekturen. Du använder den äldre arkitekturen om du inte har alternativet Data Warehouse Views på menyn Manage Data. Om du har en äldre arkitektur skickar du en ny supportförfrågan med ämnet INVENTORY ANALYSIS när du har nått det avsedda avsnittet i instruktionerna för Beräknade kolumner nedan.

Kolumner att spåra:

Kolumner som spårar instruktioner

  • cataloginventory_stock_item-tabell:

    • item_id
    • product_id
    • qty
  • catalog_product_entity-tabell:

    • entity_id
    • sku
    • created_at

Beräknade kolumner:

Ny arkitektur
  • catalog_product_entity-tabell:

    • Product's most recent order date

      • Column type: Many to One

      • Column equation: MAX

      • Path: sales_order_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: created_at

      • Filters:

        • [A] Ordered products we count
    • Product's first order date

      • Column type: Many to One

      • Column equation: MIN

      • Path: sales_order_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: created_at

      • Filters:

        • [A] Ordered products we count
    • Seconds since product's most recent order date

      • Column type: Same Table

      • Column equation: AGE

      • Välj DATETIME column: Product's most recent order date

    • Product's lifetime number of items sold

      • Column type: Many to One

      • Column equation: SUM

      • Path: sales_order_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: qty_ordered

      • Filters:

        • [A] Ordered products we count
    • Avg products sold per week (all time)

      • Column type: Same Table

      • Column equation: CALCULATION

      • Column indata:

        • A: Product's lifetime number of items sold
        • B: Product's first order date
      • Datatype: Decimal

      • Definition:

        • case when A is null or B is null else round(A::decimal/(extract(epoch from (current_timestamp - B))::decimal/604800.0),2) end
  • cataloginventory_stock_item-tabell:

    • Sku

      • Column type: One to Many

      • Column equation: JOINED_COLUMN

      • Path: cataloginventory_stock_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: sku

    • Product's lifetime number of items sold

      • Column type: One to Many

      • Column equation: JOINED_COLUMN

      • Path: cataloginventory_stock_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: Product's lifetime number of items sold

    • Seconds since product's most recent order date

      • Column type: One to Many

      • Column equation: JOINED_COLUMN

      • Path: cataloginventory_stock_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: Seconds since product's most recent order date

    • Avg products sold per week (all time)

      • Column type: One to Many

      • Column equation: JOINED_COLUMN

      • Path: cataloginventory_stock_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: Avg products sold per week (all time)

    • Weeks on hand

      • Column type: Same Table

      • Column equation: CALCULATION

      • Column indata:

        • A: qty
        • B: Avg products sold per week (all time)
      • Datatype: Decimal

      • Definition:

        • case when A is null or B is null or B = 0.0, then null else round(A::decimal/B,2) end
Äldre arkitektur
  • catalog_product_entity-tabell:

    • Product's most recent order date

      • Column type: Many to One

      • Column equation: MAX

      • Path: sales_order_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: created_at

      • Filters:

        • [A] Ordered products we count
    • Product's first order date

      • Column type: Many to One

      • Column equation: MIN

      • Path: sales_order_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: created_at

      • Filters:

        • [A] Ordered products we count
    • Seconds since product's most recent order date

      • Column type: Same Table

      • Column equation: AGE

      • Välj DATETIME-kolumn: Product's most recent order date

    • Product's lifetime number of items sold

      • Column type: Many to One

      • Column equation: SUM

      • Path: sales_order_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: qty_ordered

      • Filters:

        • [A] Ordered products we count
    • Avg products sold per week (all time)

      • Skapas av en analytiker när du skickar din [INVENTORY ANALYSIS] -supportförfrågan
  • cataloginventory_stock_item-tabell:

    • Sku

      • Column type: One to Many

      • Column equation: JOINED_COLUMN

      • Path: cataloginventory_stock_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: sku

    • Product's lifetime number of items sold

      • Column type: One to Many

      • Column equation: JOINED_COLUMN

      • Path: cataloginventory_stock_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: Product's lifetime number of items sold

    • Seconds since product's most recent order date

      • Column type: One to Many

      • Column equation: JOINED_COLUMN

      • Path: cataloginventory_stock_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: Seconds since product's most recent order date

    • Avg products sold per week (all time)

      • Column type: One to Many

      • Column equation: JOINED_COLUMN

      • Path: cataloginventory_stock_item.product_id => catalog_product_entity.entity_id

      • Välj en column: Avg products sold per week (all time)

    • Weeks on hand

      • Skapas av en analytiker när du skickar din INVENTORY ANALYSIS-supportförfrågan



  • cataloginventory_stock_item-tabell:

    • Inventory on hand: det här måttet utför en

      • Summa
      • qty kolumn sorterad efter
      • [Ingen]-kolumn



  • Inventory on hand by sku

    • Metric: Inventory on hand

    • Time period: All time

    • Tidsintervall: None

    • Group by:

      • Sku
      • Weeks on hand
    • Chart type: Table

  • Inventory with less than 2 weeks on hand (order now)

    • Metric: Inventory on hand

      • Filters:
        • [A] Weeks on hand < 2
    • Time period: All time

    • Tidsintervall: None

    • Group by: Sku

    • Chart type: Table

  • Inventory with more than 26 weeks on hand (put on sale)

    • Metric: Inventory on hand

      • Filters:
        • [A] Weeks on hand > 26
    • Time period: All time

    • Tidsintervall: None

    • Group by: Sku

    • Chart type: Table

Kontakta support om du får frågor under arbetet med att skapa den här analysen, eller om du bara vill engagera Professional Services-teamet.
