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Some endpoints, such as collect or interact, support both authenticated events and non-authenticated events.

  • Non-authenticated events are best suited for client-to-server data collection. For example, a visitor arrives on your site, and the API call is sent from the visitor's browser.
  • Authenticated events are best suited for server-to-server data collection. For example, a visitor arrives on your site, and the API call is generated from your server when the visitor requests your website content.

You can configure a datastream to accept either authenticated or non-authenticated events, or you can configure it to only accept authenticated events. See the documentation on how to create and configure datastreams for more information. A datastream accepts both authenticated and non-authenticated events by default.

All authenticated events require the following three headers in every API call:

  • Authorization
  • x-api-key
  • x-gw-ims-org-id


Before you make calls to the Edge Network API, make sure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  • You have an account with access to Adobe Experience Platform in the desired IMS org.
  • You are added as both a developer and a user for Adobe Experience Platform in the Adobe Admin Console. Contact your organization's product or system admin to be added to the correct product profiles or user groups.

If you meet both of the above criteria, you can perform both of the following vital tasks:


The Authorization header contains a token that authenticates your API call. You can quickly generate an access token in your Adobe Developer project using the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Adobe Developer Console.
  2. Navigate to Projects, and select the desired project (or create one).
  3. Under Credentials, select OAuth Server-to-Server.
  4. Click the Generate access token button.

See server to server authentication in the Adobe Developer authentication guide for instructions on how to programmatically obtain this token. This header uses the following format:

Authorization: Bearer eyJ[...]rtw


The x-api-key header contains the API sandbox identifier. You can obtain this key in your Adobe Developer project:

  1. Log in to the Adobe Developer Console.
  2. Navigate to Projects, and select the desired project (or create one).
  3. Under Credentials, select OAuth Server-to-Server.
  4. Copy the Client ID on the page.

This header uses the following format:

x-api-key: a52cf[...]1ed71


The x-gw-ims-org-id contains the IMS org of the API project you're working in. You can obtain this identifier using the following steps:

  1. Log in to Adobe Experience Platform
  2. On any page in the Platform UI, press [Ctrl] + [I].
  3. Locate the Currnt Org ID in the User Information tab. You might need to scroll to locate this field.

This header uses the following format:

x-gw-ims-org-id: 53A[...]C99@AdobeOrg


See the following table for common authorization issue and how to resolve them.

Error codeError messageDescription
Invalid authorization token
This error message is displayed in any of the following situations:
  • The Authorization header value is missing.
  • The Authorization header value does not include the required Bearer token.
  • The provided authorization token has an invalid format.
  • The datastream requires authentication but the request is missing required headers.
Invalid authorization token
The authorization token is in a correct format, but the token itself is invalid.
Invalid authorization token
The authorization token is expired. Generate a new token to resolve this issue.
Required product context is missing
This error message is displayed in any of the following situations:
  • The developer account does not have access to Adobe Experience Platform product context.
  • The company account is not yet entitled to Adobe Experinece Platform.
Required authorization token scope is missing
This error applies only to service account authentication. The error message is displayed when the service authorization token included in the call belongs to a service account which does not have access to the acp.foundation IMS scope.
Sandbox not accessible for write
This error message is displayed when the developer account does not have WRITE access to the Experience Platform sandbox that the datastream belongs in.
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