The Purchase Order Approve, Reject, Cancel, and Validate buttons now render correctly on mobile devices.
Previously, approving a Purchase Order with a discount that has expired placed the order at the full amount and did not update the Purchase Order total. Now, the Purchase Order total is updated to show the correct total.
An issue was introduced in 2.3.4 where custom extension attributes would not be copied from the Customer Address to the Quote Address. This issue has been fixed.
With B2B installed, a SQL error would appear when assigning categories to shared catalogs. This issue has been fixed.
Due to an incorrect variable type value, admins could not add configurable products to an order. The option dropdowns would not populate. This feature now works properly.
Previously, when editing Category Permissions for the Not Logged In group, an error would occur when saving the changes. This issue has been fixed.
A fix is added to allow store administrators to add products to an order that are not in the shared catalog. Previously, an error message would appear when adding an item not in the catalog.
Previously, after running the command php bin/magento indexer:set-dimensions-mode catalog_product_price website and then trying to create a shared catalog, an error would occur. This issue has been fixed.
When adding a company and assigning the company administrator to a non-default website, the wrong site ID was sent, causing an error. This issue has been fixed.
Previously, after a customer was moved to another customer group, adding a product to an order using Quick Order would fail with an error. This issue has been fixed.
Previously, when attempting to check out using the WebAPI with a B2B quote, an incorrect value was sent to the API, causing an error to occur. This issue has been fixed.
Previously, when setting a company to “Active” via the API, an error would occur. This issue has now been fixed.
Due to an unneeded form tag, the order page automatically refreshed when you pressed Enter after changing a proposed shipping charge. This issue has been fixed.
Previously, when setting a product display limit on a catalog page and that limit was less than the number of total products, an error occurred. That feature now works as expected.
Previously, when changing the admin of a company, the original admin address would be copied to the new admin, giving them two addresses. Now, only the correct address is added.
Previously, using the API to save a quote item when git is set to “Allowed and Notify Customer” would fail. This API call now works as expected.
The Fixed Product Tax is now displayed on the Quotes detail page.
Previously, clicking an attachment in the Comments tab of the My Quotes page would fail to download the file. This behavior now works as expected.
Known issues
Adobe Commerce throws an exception during upgrade to B2B 1.2.0 in a multi-website deployment. When setup:upgrade runs, this error occurs on the PurchaseOrder module: Module Magento_PurchaseOrder: Unable to apply data patch Magento\PurchaseOrder\Setup\Patch\Data\InitPurchaseOrderSalesSequence for moduleMagento_PurchaseOrder. Workaround: Install the B2B-716 Add NonTransactionableInterface interface to the InitPurchaseOrderSalesSequence data patch hotfix, which is now available from the My Account > Downloads section of
If a discount code expires before a Purchase Order (PO) is approved, the PO continues to display the discounted amount, but once the PO is approved, the order is placed at the non-discounted total. Workaround: Install the B2B-709 Purchase Order Discount patch hotfix for this issue, which is now available from the My Account > Downloads section of
If items in a purchase order are out of stock, or of insufficient quantity when the purchase order is converted into an actual order, an error occurs. If backorders are enabled, the order is processed normally.