Use the Home Calendar view

You can use the Calendar view in the Home area to manage your work day and work assignments. Only you can view and manage your Home Calendar.

The Calendar view in the Home area is different from a Adobe Workfront Calendar report, which is a dynamic report that provides a visual representation of your work. For information about the Workfront Calendar report, see Calendar reports overview.

Access requirements

You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Adobe Workfront license*
Work or higher
Access level configurations*

Edit access to Tasks and Issues

Note: If you still don't have access, ask your Workfront administrator if they set additional restrictions in your access level. For information on how a Workfront administrator can modify your access level, see Create or modify custom access levels.

Object permissions

Contribute permissions or higher to the tasks and issues you want to add to the calendar

For information on requesting additional access, see Request access to objects.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

Schedule work items in your Home Calendar

You can use the Home Calendar to schedule work items for your week.

Placing a work item on your Home Calendar does not change the existing dates associated with the work item.

To add a Workfront work item to your calendar:

  1. Go to the Home Calendar view, as explained in View the Home Calendar.

    All the work items assigned to you or your groups, teams, or job roles display in the left panel. You can sort the list and filter it to display only certain items.

    For more information, see Filter and sort work items later in this article.

  2. From the left panel, drag the work item to the day and time when you want to work on it.

    If you schedule yourself to work on an item after its planned completion date or for more time than the number of hours it’s planned for, the work item displays in red and a warning appears.

    To learn about work item due dates and how they affect allocated time in the Home Calendar, see Home Calendar view.

  3. Do any of the following:

    • To schedule a work item for multiple days: Repeat step 2 to add the item to each day and time when you want to work on it.
    • To modify the duration of a calendar item: Hover over the bottom edge of the item until the cursor becomes a double arrow, then drag the bottom edge to the ending time you want.
    • To delete a calendar item: Hover over the item, then click the trashcan icon that is displayed.

Update a work item on your Home Calendar

You can make updates to work items that display in Home Calendar view. Your updates also appear on the Updates tab of the actual work item.

  1. Go to the Home Calendar view, as explained in View the Home Calendar.

  2. Open the Details panel for the work item you want to update:

    • From the left panel: Select the work item, then click Details.
    • From the calendar: Click the scheduled calendar event.

    Details for the work item display in a panel that appears on the right of the window.

  3. Do any of the following to update the work item:

    • In the Start a new update box, type your update, specify any of the following information, then click Update.

      table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
      Notify Tag users you want to notify about your update. For more information, see Tag others on updates.
      Commit Date In the drop-down calendar, select the date when you are committing to complete the work item. For information about setting the Commit Date, see Commit Date overview.
      How's this going? Select a new condition for the task or issue. For information about task and issue conditions, see Update Condition for tasks and issues.
      Private to my company Disable to prevent users outside your company from being able to view this update.
    • Click the current Status for the item, then click a new status in the list that appears. For more information, see Approval process overview.

      note note
      If you mark a work item assigned to you as Complete - Pending Approval, you may notice that it no longer appears on your calendar. This is because no further action is expected of you until the user who is set to approve the item marks it as Approved. When this occurs, you will be able to see the item on your calendar as an Approved item.
    • (Optional) To reply to an existing comment or update, click Reply, specify any recipients in the Notify box, type your reply, then click Reply.\

      If you need information about specifying recipients, see Tag others on updates.

  4. (Optional) To close the Details panel, click anywhere outside it.

Update events from integrated calendars

To update the integrated calendar events in your Home Calendar:

  1. Go to the Home Calendar view, as explained in View the Home Calendar.

  2. Click Refresh calendars in the upper right corner of the Home Calendar.

    Integrated calendar events update automatically when you open your Home Calendar view or when you refresh your Home Calendar.

Filter and sort work items

  1. Go to the Home Calendar view, as explained in View the Home Calendar.

  2. Click the Filter drop-down menu.

    note note
    Some filter options are based on objects (Tasks, Requests, Issues, Approvals, Proofs, and Personal), and others are based on state (Working On, Ready to Start, Not Ready, and Completed). If no state is selected, the Home Calendar displays all selected objects of any state. Similarly, if no object is selected, it displays all objects of any selected state.
  3. Select from the following filter options to specify the types of items you want to display::

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
    All Displays and selects all items. This includes tasks, issues, approvals, personal tasks and completed tasks and issues.
    Tasks Working On Displays only tasks that you are actively working on. These are tasks assigned to you for which you have clicked the Work On It button.
    Tasks Ready to Start

    Displays only tasks that are ready for you to start. Both of the following statements must be true:

    • The tasks and their parents have no predecessors or task constraints preventing them from being worked on.

    • The Planned Start Date of the tasks is in the past or up to two weeks in the future.

    Tasks Not Ready

    Displays only tasks that are not yet ready to start. Either one of the following statements must be true:

    • The tasks and their parents might have predecessors or task constraints that prevent them from being worked on.

    • The tasks have a Planned Start Date that is more than two weeks in the future.

    Issues Working On Displays only issues that you are actively working on. These are issues assigned to you for which you have clicked the Work On It button.
    Issues Requested Displays only issues that you are assigned to but for which you have not clicked the Work On It button.
    Personal Displays only personal tasks. These are tasks that you create as a To Do task, as described in the section Create a personal task in the article Create work items from the Home area.

    Displays only approvals assigned or delegated to you and approvals you have submitted. Approvals include approvals on work items (projects, tasks, and issues), and approvals for documents, proofs, requests for access, and timesheets. For more information about approvals, see the following articles:

    Note: Approvals that you submitted and where you are also one of the approvers are counted twice.

    Completed Displays only completed tasks, issues, and personal tasks. Completed work displays for the previous two weeks, and is grouped in the Work List according to week. Approvals are not included.

  4. To group and sort your list of work, click the Group by drop-down menu, then select the criteria you want to use.

    The items are listed on the left side of the calendar according to the criteria and in the order that you specify.

    Choose from the following options:

    table 0-row-3 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
    Planned Completion Tasks and issues sort in order of the Planned Completion dates. To learn more about Planned Completion dates, see Planned Hours overview.
    Planned Start Tasks and issues sort in order of the Planned Start dates. For more information about task Planned Start Dates, see Overview of the task Planned Start Date.
    Commit Date Tasks and issues sort in order of the Commit dates. To learn more about Commit dates, see Commit Date overview.
    Project Work items sort by project.
    My Priority Items display in an order you choose. For more information, see Prioritize work in the Home area.
  1. Go to your Home Calendar view, as explained in View the Home Calendar.

  2. On the Calendar toolbar, click the left arrow of the date indicator to move the calendar view back one week or the right arrow to move forward one week.

    You can click Today to return to the current week.

Specify which calendars you view

You can specify which integrated calendars, such as your PTO, Birthdays, or Holidays calendar, you want to view on your Home Calendar. For instructions, see Configure your Home Calendar view settings.
