Home Calendar view

The Home Calendar view in the Home area allows you to view and manage your work week and work assignments on a personal work calendar visible only to you. You can use it to schedule when you want to do your work. And you can integrate it with outside calendars such as a Microsoft Outlook calendar.

The Home Calendar view is different from Calendar reports. For more information about Calendar reports, see Calendar reports overview.

If you need instructions on setting up your Home Calendar, see Configure your Home Calendar view settings.

For information about accessing the Home Calendar view, see View the Home Calendar.

For information integrating your Home Calendar with an outside calendar, see Configure your Home Calendar view settings.

The remaining sections in this article explain sections and functions of the Home Calendar View in more detail.

Work list on the Home Calendar

Work items (Tasks, Issues, Requests, and Approvals) assigned to you, your groups, your teams, and your roles display in the work list on the left of the Calendar in the Home area.

You can drag your work items from the work list to your Home Calendar to schedule when you want to work on them. To learn more about scheduling your work, see Use the Home Calendar view.

You can click a work item in the list to view and update your progress on it.

Depending on the item, the following information might display on the left of the calendar, for the item that you select in the work list:

  • Project name: Displays in the top left of the work item. This is the project to which the item is associated. In the example above, the project title is “Fall in 2020 campaign.”

  • Work item name: Displays beneath the project name. In the example above, the title of the work item is “September 15 issue.”

  • Done: Click this button to change the status of your work assignment to Done. This button only displays when you are assigned to the task or issue.

  • Done with my part: Click the Done with my part button to change the status of your work assignment to Done.

  • Planned: Displays the hours a resource manager has allocated for work to be completed on the item. To learn more about planned hours, see Planned Hours overview.

  • Logged: Displays the hours you have logged on the work item in either a timesheet or the Updates tab for the item. To learn more, see Log time on a work item from the Home area

  • Scheduled: Displays the hours you have scheduled for the work item in the Calendar view. To learn more about moving work items to your Calendar view, see Schedule work items in your Home Calendar in Use the Home Calendar view.

  • Details: Click this button to display the details of the work item in the right panel of the Calendar view.

  • Work On It: Click this button to accept the assignment to work on the item.

Allocation bar

When you set up your Home Calendar, you specify the number of hours you typically work in a week (see Configure your Home Calendar view settings). Adobe Workfront uses this number to determine your total allocable work hours.

The Allocation bar is a visual representation of the number of hours in your work week and how you are using them.

The colors in the Allocation bar indicate the following information:

Due bar

The Due bar on your Home Calendar displays the items that are due for the week currently displayed, according to their Planned Completion Date.

If you have integrated your Microsoft calendar with your Workfront calendar, items in the Due bar do not appear on your Microsoft calendar unless you have dragged them from the Work List to your Workfront Calendar. For more information, see the section Work list on the Home Calendar above and the article Configure your Home Calendar view settings.