Delete users through the Adobe Admin Console

The functionality in this article is available only if your organization’s instance of Adobe Workfront Fusion has been onboarded to the Adobe Business Platform.
For a list of procedures that differ based on whether your organization has been onboarded to the Adobe Business Platform, see Platform-based administration differences (Adobe Workfront Fusion/Adobe Business Platform).

You can remove a user from Adobe Workfront Fusion only, leaving access to any other Adobe product profiles, or you can remove the user from the Adobe Admin Console entirely.

Delete a user in Adobe Workfront Fusion

To delete a user in Adobe Workfront Fusion, you must deactivate the user through the Adobe Admin Console.

A user is deactivated from the Adobe Admin Console when one of the following applies:

  • The user is moved out from a product or product profile, and are not assigned to any other product or product profile.

  • The user is removed from a group that is linked to a product profile, and is not included in any other group linked to a product profile.

  • The user is removed from a product profile and is not assigned to another product profile.

  • The user is deleted or deactivated in the organization that includes Workfront Fusion.

    For instructions, see the section “Remove users” in Manage users individually.

In Workfront Fusion, the deactivation affects the user in one of the following ways:

  • If the user is in only one organization, the user is deactivated.
  • If the user is in more than one organization, the user is removed from the organization that the user was modified in on the Adobe Admin Console.
  • For other considerations when deleting a user in Workfront Fusion, see Considerations when deleting a user in Workfront Fusion