Google Calendar modules

In an Adobe Workfront Fusion scenario, you can automate workflows that use Google Calendar, as well as connect it to multiple third-party applications and services.

For instructions on creating a scenario, see the articles under Create scenarios: article index.

For information about modules, see the articles under Modules: article index.

Access requirements

You must have the following access to use the functionality in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Pro or higher
Adobe Workfront license*
Plan, Work
Adobe Workfront Fusion license**

Current license requirement: No Workfront Fusion license requirement.


Legacy license requirement: Workfront Fusion for Work Automation and Integration


Current product requirement: If you have the Select or Prime Adobe Workfront Plan, your organization must purchase Adobe Workfront Fusion as well as Adobe Workfront to use functionality described in this article. Workfront Fusion is included in the Ultimate Workfront plan.


Legacy product requirement: Your organization must purchase Adobe Workfront Fusion as well as Adobe Workfront to use functionality described in this article.

To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

For information on Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses, see Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses.


To use Google Calendar modules, you must have a Google account.

Google Calendar API information

The Google Calendar connector uses the following:

Base URL
API version
API tag

Google Calendar modules and their fields

When you configure Google Calendar modules, Workfront Fusion displays the fields listed below. Along with these, additional Google Calendar fields might display, depending on factors such as your access level in the app or service. A bolded title in a module indicates a required field.

If you see the map button above a field or function, you can use it to set variables and functions for that field. For more information, see Map information from one module to another.

Map toggle


Watch events

This trigger module executes a scenario when a new event is added, updated, deleted, started, or ended in the calendar you specify. The module returns all standard fields associated with the record or records, along with any custom fields and values that the connection accesses. You can map this information in subsequent modules in the scenario.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Google Calendar account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions
Select the calendar you want the module to work with.
Choose whether you want to watch new events only, or new events and all changes.
Show deleted events
Enable this option to include events that were deleted.
Enter text that you want to return results for.
Maximum number of events
Set the maximum number of events that Workfront Fusion works with during one cycle (the number of repetitions per scenario run). If the value is set too high, the connection may be interrupted on the side of the given third-party service (timeout). Workfront Fusion has no influence on this. We recommend that you set a lower value and either define a higher value for the maximum number of cycles or run the scenario more frequently.

Watch events (Instant)

This trigger module uses a mailhook to create an email address that you can use as an invitee to events. The module starts a scenario based on events that the email address is invited to.


Select the mailhook that you want to use for this module. To create a new mailhooke, click Add and enter the connection you want to use for the mailhook.

For instructions about connecting your Google Calendar account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions

Maximum number of events
Set the maximum number of events that Workfront Fusion works with during one cycle (the number of repetitions per scenario run). If the value is set too high, the connection may be interrupted on the side of the given third-party service (timeout). Workfront Fusion has no influence on this. We recommend that you set a lower value and either define a higher value for the maximum number of cycles or run the scenario more frequently.


Create a calendar

This action module creates a calendar associated with the account.

For instructions about connecting your Google Calendar account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions
Select the color to associate with the calendar.
Calendar name
Enter or map a name for the new calendar.

Create an event

This action module creates an event.

You specify the calendar and the parameters for the event.

The module returns the ID of the event and any associated fields, along with any custom fields and values that the connection accesses. You can map this information in subsequent modules in the scenario.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Google Calendar account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions
Select the calendar where you want the event to appear.
Select the color that the event shows on the calendar.
Event name

Enter or map a name for the event.

Note: If you have selected Quick add in the Create an event field, you can include the date and time of the event, and Workfront Fusion creates the event for that date and time. Example: Appointment at Capitol Hill on June 3rd 10am-10:25am. If you selected Quick add but do not include a date and time in the event name, the event is created from the current time and lasts an hour.

All day event
Enable this option if the event is an all-day event (does not require start and end times).
Start date

Enter or map the start date and time of the event.

For a list of supported date formats, see Type coercion.

End date

Enter or map the end date and time of the event.

For a list of supported date formats, see Type coercion.

Enter or map a description for the event. This field supports HTML.
Enter a location for the event in text form.
Use the default reminder settings for this event
Enable this option to use default reminder settings. If you set a custom reminder in the Reminder field, this value is set to No.
Add reminder for the event. For each reminder you want to add, click Add item, then select the method you want to be reminded with and define how long (in minutes) before the event you want to be reminded.
Add the attendees to the event. For each attendee, click Add an attendee, then enter or map their name and email address.
Show me as
Select whether you want people who view your calendar to see you as Busy or Available during this event.

Select the visibility of this event.

  • Default

    The event has the visibility that you have set in your calendar settings.

  • Public

    Anyone the calendar is shared with can see this event.

  • Private

    Only attendees can see this event.

Send notification about the event creation

Select whether to send notifications about the creation of a new event to all guests, to non-Google Calendar guests, or to no one.

Tip: We recommend using the None option only for migration use cases.

Guests can modify the event
Enable this option if you want to guests to be able to modify this event.
Add any recurrence rules that you want to apply to this event. Each rule requires a list of RRULE, EXRULE, RDATE, and EXDATE lines for a recurring event. Note that DTSTART and DTEND lines are not allowed in this field; event start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. This field is omitted for single events or instances of recurring events. For more information, see RFC5545.

Delete an event

This action module deletes an event.

You specify the calendar and event ID.

The module returns the ID of the event and any associated fields, along with any custom fields and values that the connection accesses. You can map this information in subsequent modules in the scenario.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Google Calendar account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions
Select the calendar that contains the event you want to delete.
Event ID
Enter the event ID from a previously created Google Calendar event you want to delete.

Get events

This module retrieves information about events in the selected calendar based on criterie you specify.

You specify the calendar and the parameters of the search.

The module returns the ID of the events and any associated fields, along with any custom fields and values that the connection accesses. You can map this information in subsequent modules in the scenario.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Google Calendar account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions
Select the calendar you want to retrieve events for.
Start date

Enter or map the date when the event starts. This module also retrieves events starting before this date, that are still occurring on the entered start date.

For a list of supported date and time formats, see Type coercion.

End date

Enter or map the date when the event ends.

For a list of supported date and time formats, see Type coercion.

Single events
Enable this option to treat recurring events as single instances. For example, if you have a weekly meeting and this option is enabled, the module returns each week's meeting as a separate event.
Enter or map the search term that you want to search by.
Order by

Select the order of the events returned in the result.

  • Start Time: Order by the start date and time (ascending). This is only available when querying single events.
  • Updated Time: Order by last modification time (ascending).
Mazimum number of returned events
Set the maximum number of events Workfront Fusion returns during one execution cycle.

Update an event

This action module changes an existing event.

You specify the calendar and event ID.

The module returns the ID of the event and any associated fields, along with any custom fields and values that the connection accesses. You can map this information in subsequent modules in the scenario.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Google Calendar account to Workfront Fusion, see Create a connection to Adobe Workfront Fusion - Basic instructions
Select the calendar you want to work with.
Event ID
Enter the event ID from the previously created Google Calendar event that you want to update.
Event name

Enter or map a name for the event.

Note: If you have selected Quick add in the Create an event field, you can include the date and time of the event, and Workfront Fusion creates the event for that date and time. Example: Appointment at Capitol Hill on June 3rd 10am-10:25am. If you selected Quick add but do not include a date and time in the event name, the event is created from the current time and lasts an hour.

All day event
Enable this option if the event is an all-day event (does not require start and end times).
Start date

Enter or map the start date and time of the event.

For a list of supported date formats, see Type coercion.

End date

Enter or map the end date and time of the event.

For a list of supported date formats, see Type coercion.

Enter or map a description for the event. This field supports HTML.
Enter a location for the event in text form.
Use the default reminder settings for this event
Enable this option to use default reminder settings. If you set a custom reminder in the Reminder field, this value is set to No.
Add reminder for the event. For each reminder you want to add, click Add item, then select the method you want to be reminded with and define how long (in minutes) before the event you want to be reminded.
Add the attendees to the event. For each attendee, click Add an attendee, then enter or map their name and email address.
Show me as
Select whether you want people who view your calendar to see you as Busy or Available during this event.

Select the visibility of this event.

  • Default

    The event has the visibility that you have set in your calendar settings.

  • Public

    Anyone the calendar is shared with can see this event.

  • Private

    Only attendees can see this event.

Send notification about the event creation

Select whether to send notifications about the creation of a new event to all guests, to non-Google Calendar guests, or to no one.

Tip: We recommend using the None option only for migration use cases.

Guests can modify the event
Enable this option if you want to guests to be able to modify this event.
Add any recurrence rules that you want to apply to this event. Each rule requires a list of RRULE, EXRULE, RDATE, and EXDATE lines for a recurring event. Note that DTSTART and DTEND lines are not allowed in this field; event start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. This field is omitted for single events or instances of recurring events. For more information, see RFC5545.


Iterate attachments

This action modules iterates through attachments to an event, and outputs each attachment in a separate bundle.

Source module
Select the module in this scenario that outputs the event that contains the attachments that you want to iterate.

Iterate attendees

This action modules iterates through attendees for an event, and outputs each attendee in a separate bundle.

Source module
Select the module in this scenario that outputs the event that contains the attendees that you want to iterate.

Trigger a scenario before an event

You can trigger a scenario a specified time before an event with the help of standard Google Calendar email reminders and the Webhooks >Custom mailhook module.

  1. Use the Google Calendar >Update an event module to add an email reminder to your event:

    Trigger scenario before event

  2. Create a new scenario starting with the Webhooks >Custom mailhook module.

    1. Copy the mailhook’s email address.
    2. Save the scenario and execute it.
  3. In Gmail, redirect the Google Calendar email reminders to the mailhook’s email address:

    1. Open your Gmail settings.

    2. Open the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.

    3. Click Add a forwarding address.

    4. Paste the copied mailhooks’s email address, click​ Next, confirm by pressing Proceed in the popup window, then click OK.

    5. In Workfront Fusion, switch to the new scenario that should finish its execution by receiving the confirmation email.

    6. Click the bubble above the module to inspect the module’s output.

    7. Expand the Text item and copy the Confirmation code:

      Confirmation code

    8. In Gmail, paste the Confirmation code in the edit box and click​ Verify:

      Paste code

    9. Open the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab.

    10. Click Create a new filter.

    11. Setup a filter for all emails coming from and click​ Create a filter:

    12. Select Forward it to and choose the mailhooks’s email address from the list.

    13. Click Create filter to create the filter.

  4. (Optional) In Workfront Fusion, add the Text parser > Match pattern module after the Webhooks >Custom mailhook module to parse the email’s HTML code to obtain any information you need.

    For example, you could configure the module as follows to obtain the event’s ID:

    Pattern: <meta itemprop="eventId/googleCalendar" content="(?<evenitID>.*?)"/>

    Text: The HTML content item outputted from the Webhooks >Custom mailhook module.
