Convert an issue/request to a task

In this video, you will learn how to convert an issue or request to a task.

To convert an issue or request to a task. First, find the issue and then open it up. This is the issue we want to convert. He needs to click on the three dot menu and select convert to task. The task name and the description will be copied from the issue by default, but you can edit them here. We’ll just put the word task in front of the issue. Name. This will help us keep them straight. We’ll leave the description as is. You’re given the option to choose a destination project by default. This is the project the issue is in, but you can select any project you have right to add task to. Will select email blast for new energy drink. You can add a custom form if you want, but in this case the marketing request custom form was added automatically. That’s because it was created as both an issue and a task form and was already attached to the issue. We’re converting. The system helps us out here by adding it automatically. This way, all the field values made in the issue are also available in the task. Last we come to the conversion options. There are three options here. If the first two are grayed out, as we see here, it’s because your system administrator or group administrator has made the selections and is not allowing you to change them. But at least you can see what they are and here’s what they mean. Keep the original issue in tie as resolution is checked, which means the original issue or request will not be deleted. Both this task and the issue will exist at the same time, which is one reason we put the word task at the beginning of the task name to make it easier to keep them straight. But even though the issue still exists, you can’t market is resolved because the task is working to resolve the issue. Whenever the task status has changed. The issue status will also be updated automatically, so when the task is marked as complete, the issue status will automatically change to resolved. If keep the original issue wasn’t checked, the issue would be deleted as soon as we click on convert to task. Allow Conrad Hilton to have access to this task is checked so that the person who made this request to Conrad Hilton in this case can have access to the task and keep track of how it’s going. Keep the planned completion date of the issue is something that you can decide for yourself if you check this. The task constraint of this task will be set to finished no later than and the planned completion date will be set to whatever the planned completion date of the issue was. If you don’t check it, the planned completion date will be the same as any new task added to the project, which you can change. Of course. Click on Convert to task and now you’re in your new task.
You cannot add issues to the project timeline, since they represent “unplanned work.” The project timeline is for “planned work,” meaning tasks.