Conclusion and next steps

Congratulations! You have completed the “Implement Adobe Experience Cloud with Web SDK” tutorial!

Let’s quickly review all that you have accomplished. You have:

  • Created a schema using standard and custom field groups.

  • Configured a datastream.

  • Built a tag property.

  • Captured fields from a data layer, transformed them to XDM, and sent them to Platform Edge Network.

  • Captured consent and authenticated identities.

  • Connected the Web SDK implementation to the following Experience Cloud applications:

    • Adobe Experience Platform
    • Adobe Analytics
    • Adobe Audience Manager
    • Adobe Target
    • Adobe Journey Optimizer
  • Forwarded data from Platform Edge Network to a web hook with event forwarding.

  • Validated the implementation using Adobe Experience Platform Debugger.

You are ready to begin the next phase of your journey—implementing Adobe Experience Cloud in your own website!

And there is always more to learn! Here are some suggestions of other content to build upon your implementation:

Thank you for investing your time in learning about Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK. If you have questions, want to share general feedback, or have suggestions on future content, please share them on this Experience League Community discussion post