
Here is a sample implementation for iOS. The code is showing implementation of the locationManager:didUpdateLocations: method in the CLLocationManagerDelegate:

- (void) locationManager:(CLLocationManager*)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray<CLLocation*>*)locations {
    // ask the Places SDK for the 10 nearest Points of Interest based on the user's location
    [ACPPlaces getNearbyPointsOfInterest:[locations lastObject] limit:10 callback:^(NSArray<ACPPlacesPoi *> * _Nullable nearbyPoi) {
        // nearbyPoi is the 10 nearest POIs based on the location
    } errorCallback:^(ACPPlacesRequestError result) {
        // log the error if we got one
        NSLog(@"error: %lu", (unsigned long)result);


Here is a sample implementation for iOS. The code is showing implementation of the locationManager(_:didUpdateLocations:) method in the CLLocationManagerDelegate:

func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
    // ask the Places SDK for the 10 nearest Points of Interest based on the user's location
    ACPPlaces.getNearbyPoints(ofInterest: locations.last!, limit: 10, callback: { (nearbyPoi) in
        // nearbyPoi is the 10 nearest POIs based on the location
    }) { (error) in
        // log the error if we have one
        print("error: \(error)")

3. Attach Places data to your Analytics requests

By calling the getNearbyPointsOfInterest API, the Places SDK will make all POI data relevant for the device available via data elements in Launch. By using an Attach Data rule, Places data can be automatically be added to future requests to Analytics. This eliminates the need for a one-off call to Analytics at the time the location of the device is collected.

See Add Location Context to Analytics Requests to learn more about this topic.

Optional - Trigger entry events when the user is in a POI

The recommended way to capture Places data is to Attach Places data to your Analytics requests.
If the use case requires a region entry event to be triggered by the SDK, it will need to be done manually as outlined below.

The list returned by the getNearbyPointsOfInterest API contains custom objects that indicate if the user is currently within a POI. If the user is in a POI, you can have the SDK trigger an entry event for that region.

To prevent your app from triggering multiple entry events in one visit, keep a list of the regions in which you know the user has entered. When processing the response of nearby POIs from the SDK, trigger an entry event only when the region is not in your list.
In the following code sample, NSUserDefaults (iOS) and SharedPreferences (Android) are used to manage the list of regions:


The following code sample shows the handling of the result that was provided in the callback of getNearbyPointsOfInterest, a List<PlacesPOI>:

void handleUpdatedPOIs(final List<PlacesPOI> nearbyPois) {
    // get the list of regions we know the user is already within from SharedPreferences
    SharedPreferences preferences = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("places", 0);
    Set<String> regionsUserIsAlreadyIn = preferences.getStringSet("regionsUserIsAlreadyIn", new HashSet<String>());

    // loop through new placesPOIS and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
    // also create the new list of regions that the user is in
    Set<String> updatedRegionsUserIsIn = new HashSet<String>();
    for (PlacesPOI poi : nearbyPois) {
        // check if the user is in this poi
        if (poi.containsUser()) {
            // the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded this entry event
            if (!regionsUserIsAlreadyIn.contains(poi.getIdentifier())) {
                Geofence poiGeofence = new Geofence.Builder()
                    .setCircularRegion(poi.getLatitude(), poi.getLongitude(), poi.getRadius())
                Places.processGeofence(poiGeofence, Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_ENTER);

            // add the region to our new list of regions

    // update SharedPreferences with our new list of regions
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("places", 0).edit();
    editor.putStringSet("regionsUserIsAlreadyIn", updatedRegionsUserIsIn).apply();


The following code sample shows the handling of the result that was provided in the callback of getNearbyPointsOfInterest:limit:callback:errorCallback:, an NSArray<ACPPlacesPoi *> *:

- (void) handleUpdatedPOIs:(NSArray<ACPPlacesPoi *> *)nearbyPois {
   // get the list of regions we know the user is already within from user defaults
   NSArray *regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]

   // loop through new nearbyPoi and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
   // also creating the new list of known regions that the user is in
   NSMutableArray *updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin = [@[] mutableCopy];
   for (ACPPlacesPoi *poi in nearbyPois) {
       // check if the user is in this poi
       if (poi.userIsWithin) {
           // the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded the entry event
           if (![regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin containsObject:poi.identifier]) {
               CLCircularRegion *region = [[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(poi.latitude, poi.longitude)
               [ACPPlaces processRegionEvent:region forRegionEventType:ACPRegionEventTypeEntry];

           // add the region to our updated list
           [updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin addObject:poi.identifier];

   // update user defaults with the new list
   [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin forKey:@"regionsUserIsAlreadyIn"];


The following code sample shows the handling of the result that was provided in the callback of getNearbyPoints(_ ofInterest: CLLocation, limit: UInt, callback: (([ACPPlacesPoi]?) -> Void)?, errorCallback: ((ACPPlacesRequestError) -> Void)?), an [ACPPlacesPoi]:

func handleUpdatedPOIs(_ nearbyPois:[ACPPlacesPoi]) {
    // get the list of regions we know the user is already within from user defaults
    let regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin : [String] = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "regionsUserIsAlreadyIn") as! [String]

    // loop through new nearbyPoi and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
    // also creating the new list of known regions that the user is in
    var updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin: [String] = []
    for poi in nearbyPois {
        // check if the user is in this poi
        if poi.userIsWithin {
            // the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded the entry event
            if !regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin.contains(poi.identifier!) {
                let region = CLCircularRegion.init(center: CLLocationCoordinate2D.init(latitude: poi.latitude, longitude: poi.longitude), radius: CLLocationDistance(poi.radius), identifier: poi.identifier!)
                ACPPlaces.processRegionEvent(region, for: .entry)

            // add the region to our updated list

    // update user defaults with the new list
    UserDefaults.standard.set(updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin, forKey: "regionsUserIsAlreadyIn")

Complete sample implementation

The code samples below show you how to retrieve the current location of the device, trigger necessary entry events, and ensure that you do not get multiple entries for the same location on one visit.

This code sample includes the optional step of triggering an entry events when the user is in a POI.

These snippets are only examples. Developers must determine how they want to implement the functionality, and the decision should consider the best practices as recommended by the target operating system.


public class LocationBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
    static final String ACTION_LOCATION_UPDATE = "locationUpdate";
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        if (intent == null || context == null) {

        final String action = intent.getAction();
        if (!ACTION_LOCATION_UPDATE.equals(action)) {

        LocationResult result = LocationResult.extractResult(intent);
        if (result == null) {

        Location currentLocation = result.getLastLocation();
        if (currentLocation == null) {

        // ask the Places SDK for the 10 nearest Points of Interest based on the user's location
        Places.getNearbyPointsOfInterest(currentLocation, 10,
            new AdobeCallback<List<PlacesPOI>>() {
                public void call(List<PlacesPOI> pois) {
                    // pois is the 10 nearest POIs based on the location
            }, new AdobeCallback<PlacesRequestError>() {
                public void call(PlacesRequestError placesRequestError) {
                    // Look for the placesRequestError and handle the error accordingly

    void handleUpdatedPOIs(final List<PlacesPOI> nearbyPois) {
        // get the list of regions we know the user is already within from SharedPreferences
        SharedPreferences preferences = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("places", 0);
        Set<String> regionsUserIsAlreadyIn = preferences.getStringSet("regionsUserIsAlreadyIn", new HashSet<String>());

        // loop through new placesPOIS and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
        // also create the new list of regions that the user is in
        Set<String> updatedRegionsUserIsIn = new HashSet<String>();
        for (PlacesPOI poi : nearbyPois) {
            // check if the user is in this poi
            if (poi.containsUser()) {
                // the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded this entry event
                if (!regionsUserIsAlreadyIn.contains(poi.getIdentifier())) {
                    Geofence poiGeofence = new Geofence.Builder()
                        .setCircularRegion(poi.getLatitude(), poi.getLongitude(), poi.getRadius())
                    Places.processGeofence(poiGeofence, Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_ENTER);

                // add the region to our new list of regions

        // update SharedPreferences with our new list of regions
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("places", 0).edit();
        editor.putStringSet("regionsUserIsAlreadyIn", updatedRegionsUserIsIn).apply();


- (void) locationManager:(CLLocationManager*)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray<CLLocation*>*)locations {
    // ask the Places SDK for the 10 nearest Points of Interest based on the user's location
    [ACPPlaces getNearbyPointsOfInterest:[locations lastObject] limit:10 callback:^(NSArray<ACPPlacesPoi *> * _Nullable nearbyPoi) {
        // nearbyPoi is the 10 nearest POIs based on the location
        [self handleUpdatedPOIs:nearbyPoi];
    } errorCallback:^(ACPPlacesRequestError result) {
        // log the error if we got one
        NSLog(@"error: %lu", (unsigned long)result);

- (void) handleUpdatedPOIs:(NSArray<ACPPlacesPoi *> *)nearbyPois {
   // get the list of regions we know the user is already within from user defaults
   NSArray *regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]

   // loop through new nearbyPoi and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
   // also creating the new list of known regions that the user is in
   NSMutableArray *updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin = [@[] mutableCopy];
   for (ACPPlacesPoi *poi in nearbyPois) {
       // check if the user is in this poi
       if (poi.userIsWithin) {
           // the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded the entry event
           if (![regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin containsObject:poi.identifier]) {
               CLCircularRegion *region = [[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(poi.latitude, poi.longitude)
               [ACPPlaces processRegionEvent:region forRegionEventType:ACPRegionEventTypeEntry];

           // add the region to our updated list
           [updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin addObject:poi.identifier];

   // update user defaults with the new list
   [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin forKey:@"regionsUserIsAlreadyIn"];


func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
    // ask the Places SDK for the 10 nearest Points of Interest based on the user's location
    ACPPlaces.getNearbyPoints(ofInterest: locations.last!, limit: 10, callback: { (nearbyPoi) in
        // nearbyPoi is the 10 nearest POIs based on the location
    }) { (error) in
        // log the error if we have one
        print("error: \(error)")

func handleUpdatedPOIs(_ nearbyPois:[ACPPlacesPoi]) {
    // get the list of regions we know the user is already within from user defaults
    let regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin : [String] = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "regionsUserIsAlreadyIn") as! [String]

    // loop through new nearbyPoi and post entry events for pois that aren't already in our list
    // also creating the new list of known regions that the user is in
    var updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin: [String] = []
    for poi in nearbyPois {
        // check if the user is in this poi
        if poi.userIsWithin {
            // the user is in the poi, now we need to make sure we haven't already recorded the entry event
            if !regionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin.contains(poi.identifier!) {
                let region = CLCircularRegion.init(center: CLLocationCoordinate2D.init(latitude: poi.latitude, longitude: poi.longitude), radius: CLLocationDistance(poi.radius), identifier: poi.identifier!)
                ACPPlaces.processRegionEvent(region, for: .entry)

            // add the region to our updated list

    // update user defaults with the new list
    UserDefaults.standard.set(updatedRegionsUserIsCurrentlyWithin, forKey: "regionsUserIsAlreadyIn")

In addition to triggering Places Service entry events in the SDK, because of the triggering entry events, all of the data that defines your POIs can be used by the rest of the SDK via data elements in Experience Platform Launch. With Experience Platform Launch rules, you can dynamically attach the Places Service data to incoming events that are processed by the SDK. For example, you can attach the meta data of a POI in which the user is located and send the data to Analytics as context data.

For more information, see Using Places Service with other Adobe solutions.
