Pass the location updates that were obtained from the Google Play services or the Android location services to the Places Extension.
Use the
Places Extension API to get the list ofPlacesPoi
objects around the current location.LocationCallback callback = new LocationCallback() { @Override public void onLocationResult(LocationResult locationResult) { super.onLocationResult(locationResult); Places.getNearbyPointsOfInterest(currentLocation, 10, new AdobeCallback<List<PlacesPOI>>() { @Override public void call(List<PlacesPOI> pois) { starMonitoringGeofence(pois); } }); } };
Extract the data from the obtained
objects and start monitoring those POIs.private void startMonitoringFences(final List<PlacesPOI> nearByPOIs) { // check for location permission for (PlacesPOI poi : nearByPOIs) { final Geofence fence = new Geofence.Builder() .setRequestId(poi.getIdentifier()) .setCircularRegion(poi.getLatitude(), poi.getLongitude(), poi.getRadius()) .setExpirationDuration(Geofence.NEVER_EXPIRE) .setTransitionTypes(Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_ENTER | Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_EXIT) .build(); geofences.add(fence); } GeofencingRequest.Builder builder = new GeofencingRequest.Builder(); builder.setInitialTrigger(GeofencingRequest.INITIAL_TRIGGER_ENTER); builder.addGeofences(geofences);; geofencingClient.addGeofences(, geoFencePendingIntent) }
Calling the getNearbyPointsOfInterest
API results in a network call that gets the location around the current location.
You should call the API sparingly or only when there is significant location change of the user.