Operations operations-tab-next-steps
Once you’ve analyzed your subscriber’s usage patterns and identified instances of password sharing for a selected segment using Account IQ analytics, you can take targeted actions through focused procedures called operations in Account IQ.
Operations allow you to effectively track and manage credential sharing towards a group of accounts to mitigate password sharing and enhance the experience for valued subscribers.
You can apply actions to a defined segment to address password sharing within a specific time interval and schedule the operation to execute at a future date. These actions include restrictions to minimize password sharing or ease constraints on non-sharing accounts.
Using operations, you not only specify actions and their scope, but also gauge their outcomes.
By evaluating the outcomes, you can refine your strategy to optimize effects, whether by converting borrowers, mitigating credential sharing, or reducing churn.
You can perform various functions with operations:
View operation reports operation-reports
You can review the effects of an operation through operation reports. To view the operation report, select Operations tab under Actions in the left panel of Account IQ application. A list of operations available in the system is displayed. You can access key details about each operation in a tabular format. The details include:
- Name of the operation
- Current status (such as Scheduled, Running, Ended, Error, or Stopped)
- Progress completion percentage
- Target audience or segment on which the operation is applied
- Type of action selected for the operation
- Start date of the operation
- End date of the operation
- Date the operation was created
- Last modification date of the operation
List and details of existing operations in Account IQ
Select the desired Operation Name from the list of operations. The following reports are displayed:
Operation performance operation-performance
The operation performance provides a top line readout summarizing the number of accounts impacted, operation progress, and the overall sharing score of the accounts in the segment during the operation’s evaluation period.
Operation performance report
A. Impacted accounts B. Operation progress C. Overall sharing score
Impacted accounts impacted-accounts
This number displays the count of subscriber accounts affected by the action taken during the operation’s evaluation period.
Operation progress operation-progress
This gauge shows the number of days and the percentage of the operation completed out of the planned schedule.
Overall sharing score overall-sharing-score
This line graph represents the overall sharing score, that includes the sharing level and usage from shared accounts in each week during the operation’s evaluation period.
Operation impact: accounts in segment impact-accounts
This report is displayed as a stacked column graph that illustrates the impact of an operation over time.
Operation impact on accounts in segment graph
The x-axis represents the operation’s evaluation period, while the y-axis indicates the status of accounts in the operation’s segment. Each bar in the graph is divided into three colors:
Pink represents the number of accounts meeting the segment’s conditions used in this operation.
Blue represents the number of active accounts that were originally in the segment but did not meet the segment’s conditions during each week or month in the operation’s evaluation period.
Grey represents the accounts that were inactive during the evaluation period.
Over time, the graph illustrates changes in account behavior relative to the original criteria (for example, having a sharing probability of more than 90 and using more than 5 devices have become inactive).
Operation impact: shared accounts metrics impact-shared-accounts
The shared accounts metrics provide an overview of sharing level and play requests by the subscriber accounts in the operation’s segment during the operation’s evaluation period.
Sharing level share-level
This line graph represents the sharing level each week over the operation’s evaluation period.
Sharing level line graph
Number of play requests play-requests
This line graph represents the play requests each week in the operation’s evaluation period.
Number of play requests line graph
Operation impact: general usage metrics impact-general-usage
The general usage metrics provide an overview of average number of devices, IPs, and locations in the operation’s segment during the operation’s evaluation period.
Number of devices devices
This line graph represents the average number of devices each week in the operation’s evaluation period.
Number of devices line graph
Number of IPs and locations IPs-locations
This line graph represents the average number of IPs and locations each week in the operation’s evaluation period.
Number of IPs and locations line graph
To close the report and go back to the main Operations page, select Operations tab under Actions in the left panel.
Create new operation create-new-operation
When you go to the Operations tab under Actions in the left panel, select Create new operation at the top of the Operations page.
To create new operation, follow the instructions in the following sections:
Operation details operation-details
In this section, type the name for the operation in Operation name.
Add Operation name
Segment segment
In this section, click on Select segment and choose a segment to which you want to use this operation. Learn how to select a segment.
Once you’ve selected a segment, use
Select segment and time interval
If required, use
Select Granularity and time interval to monitor the operation during a specific period. Know more about how to select granularity and time interval.
Action action
In this section, choose an Action you want to perform on the selected segment from the dropdown menu.
Select the type of Action
There are two options available:
Select CM Policy for the concurrency monitoring system integrated with Account IQ.
Select External actions to create and process workflows external to Account IQ and not integrated with Account IQ system.
Schedule schedule
In this section, select the Start date and End date from the date-picker to set the activation for the operation.
- If you’ve opted for granularity aggregated by weeks, select the start and end dates in weeks (for example, Week 10).
- If you’ve opted for granularity aggregated by months, select the start and end dates in months.
Select Start date and End date from the date-picker
A. Start date picker B. End date picker
Select Save operation at the top of the Operations page to process a new operation.
Stop operation stop-operation
You can only stop the operations that are currently in Running status. To stop an existing operation, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Operations tab under Actions in the left navigation of Account IQ application.
Select Options menu of the operation you want to stop.
Select Options menu to stop the operation
Select Stop.