April 2009
- Filter sets: Use filter sets to change activities in view quickly.
- Date picker: Add a graphical date picker to your forms with a couple of quick changes.
- Merge with a custom value: When merging leads, enter your own value for any field in conflict.
- Bookmarks: Share your favorite Marketo pages with your friends!
- Forward and back buttons: The Forward and Back buttons in your browser now work.
- Original referrer, query, and search engine: This info is saved for all leads who hit your Munchkin-enabled pages and landing pages.
- Spam checking: You should see dramatically reduced spam leads because of changes to our forms.
- Online case submission: Need help? Submit your request through our success site.
March 2009
New User Interface shell: We launched our new user interface! It has dozens of usability improvements and bug fixes.
Improved Performance Along with the UI changes: the website is now faster than ever especially for IE7 users.
Salesforce Link in Send Alert Info: When you use a Send Alert Info token in an email and the lead is in Salesforce, you’ll get links to Salesforce and Marketo.
Salesforce Account Custom Fields: Your custom Salesforce account fields are now available to use in Marketo.
Clone Smart List: Now you can duplicate any Smart List in your Lead Database. Just right click it in the tree and pick Clone.
Email Links Without Tracking: If you don’t want link decoration and click tracking on a particular link in your email, use class=“mktNoTrack” in your link tag to suppress it.
Spell Check: In the Email Editor or Landing Page Rich Text Editor, you can now click the spell check button to verify your spelling.
Improved Help: Click the Help button on the top right to get contextual help throughout the application, including links to our Customer Success site. Like keyboard shortcuts better? Try control-alt-shift-h instead.
Enhanced “Has Opportunity” Filter: The new Has Opportunity filter lets you find leads with opportunities based on a combination of criteria – for example, if the opportunity amount is over $5,000 and it’s closed.
“Last Updated” Date When Merging: When you merge leads, you’ll now see the time when the lead was last updated.
**Enhanced **Geo-location: We now collect additional inferred data to help you identify your leads including inferred city, state/region, postal code, phone area code, and metro area.
Improved Send Test Email: You now have the option to send the text version of the email when sending a test email. Also, Marketo will store the last 10 test email recipient lists you used to accelerate your email testing.
Smart “Smart Campaign” Icons: The icons in the Smart Campaign tree now show you whether or not the campaign is active.
Convert Number Field to Score: Have an integer custom field that you’d like to treat as a score instead? Convert it to a score in the Field Management section of the Admin page.
Group by Custom Fields in Leads Reports: In the Analytics section, you can now group the reports by your custom fields in any of the “Leads by X” reports. You can change the grouping by clicking the Report Settings button.
Preview Emails in Flows and Smart Lists: If you’re using an email in a Smart List or flow step, right click its name then click Preview Email to view the email in a new window.
New Landing Page Test Group Design: We redesigned the interface for creating Landing Page Test Groups. They’re now simpler than ever to manage.
“Per Hour” Qualification Rules: In addition to “every X days/weeks/months,” we added “hours” to the qualification rules dialog. This gives you finer control over when your leads execute a campaign flow.
January 2009
- API: Now you can directly interact with the Marketo system.
- Outlook Plugin: Allow your reps to send emails from Outlook and track the sent/click/opened in Marketo. Even trigger off activity!
December 2008
- New HelpStream Knowledge Base: This upgraded site helps educate and communicate with customers in a more meaningful and effective way.
- More performance and quality gains.
- Email Designer Upgraded: We now have real email templates and a much smoother system to keep templates up to date. The email editor is now more controlled so errors are less likely to happen.
November 2008
- Salesforce Campaigns: You can now filter and trigger off of Salesforce campaigns as well as put leads into campaigns based on any criteria. Just use it like a regular flow step.
- Anonymous Leads Filters & Triggers: These are extremely powerful new filters and triggers which give you unprecedented insight into anonymous visitors on your site. Now you can even tell when a competitor is silently gathering intelligence on your website!
- Move to larger hosting environment: This was a Herculean task, but we did it with no mess! We moved the entire enterprise to a much more scalable hosting service. We now have multiple clustered pods with scalability to spare.
- Field Management: You can now see great detail and configure everything about your fields. Merge fields together and even block updates from specific sources. You can even copy values from one field to another.
September - October 2008
- Performance enhancements: We upgraded performance of Trees, Reports, Campaigns, Sync and Smart Lists. We strive to be faster each release.
- Scalability: We instituted many methods and standards for ourselves to grow with our customer base. Things have been going well and we want to make sure we scale to meet the needs of our customers.
- Blocklist and Marketing Suspended checking: Now you can control email flows based on whatever criteria you like.
- Campaign Scheduler: Set your campaign to run at 6am on Monday morning or any other time you like. Set multiple runs too!
August 2008
Quick Find Search Box: The Explorer Tree Filtering Control has been replaced by a Quick Find search box. This Quick Find search box allows you to search through your assets.
Background Lead Export: Now there is no limit to the amount of names you can export and your browser is no longer on hold, plus you’ll be able to visually see the status of the export and when it has completed.
Email Enhancements: To track unsubscribers and which emails they’ve unsubscribed from, use the new Unsubscribed From Email filter in the Smart List. Also, you’ll see the unsubscribe action in that user’s Activity Log.
By popular request we added new email columns in the analytics section: The email chart now shows more detail, including counts for sent, bounced, delivery percentage, and unsubscribed. The Campaign Summary tab no longer displays the email performance summary: To view this information there is now an email tab. This report is also available per campaign.
Associated Lead API Function: This is a new capability in the Munchkin JavaScript file that allows you to integrate a 3rd party system and your Marketo Account.
Other Enhancements: Performance gains have improved the usability of Internet Explorer 7 with Marketo. The Remove from Flow action now logs activity for each lead removed. Reports and lead detail now exclude deleted opportunities. The Push Lead to Sales chart was showing updates, failures, and inserts. Now it shows only inserts. The campaign summary now displays the number of leads in wait steps.
July 2008
- Configuration settings in Reports: In the analytics section, check out the report settings button in the toolbar. This allows you to set custom time frames as well as change the fundamental grouping of the report. Combined with the smart list, this makes for powerful report building.
- Progressive Profiling: We have added in some progressive profiling capabilities to the form editor. This will allow you to avoid asking the same question of a user. If you already know their Company Name, maybe you want to ask the size of the company instead.
- Lead Detail: My Layout. You know how the lead detail popup has lots and lots of fields? Well, we heard the need to put a dashboard layout on the home and let you pick which fields go there. Just click Admin on the top right and then Lead Detail Layout. It’s all drag and drop, so it should be easy to create.
- Improved Program View: Click on a program in the marketing activities area. We tried to make it easier to read and easier to use.
June 2008
- Send Alert Flow Step: This is a great new flow step that allows you to alert salespeople or other stakeholders when certain campaigns are run. Use it just like any other flow step to trigger the send alert functionality.
- Campaign Feedback: When you run a campaign, we give you more and better feedback about that campaign. It will check to see if you missed some smart list definitions or if you are going to affect the entire database. Additionally, the top-right of each campaign shows the Smart List rules so that you know what is triggering the campaign.
- Smart List Improvements: Important: Smart Lists with no definitions will now yield all leads rather than give an error. This unifies the model of Smart Lists and makes using them even easier.
- A new “Select All” button is there now so you can work on an entire list all at once. Use this new feature with the new Lead Actions. Click Lead Actions at the top of any list and you will see a slew of new powerful features you can do to the list. This includes all of the popular flow steps.
- Program View: Click on a program in the Marketing Activities area. This gives a great window into the children campaigns of that program. A combined Smart List/Flow view and a combined activity log are extremely useful in troubleshooting your campaigns. Give it a try!
- Report improvements: You can now create as many reports as you want and organize them into folders. Use Smart Lists to change the meaning of the reports.
- New columns for Opportunity (Opty) data: This answers key questions about the effectiveness of the marketing activities.
- Lead Detail improvements: The Lead Detail page also has been improved for usability and to add in new Opportunity detail from Salesforce. Check out the new lead detail and let us know what you think.
- Filter Activities in Lead detail: A powerful addition to the lead detail activity report is the ability to filter the results so you only see the most important activities to you.
May 2008
Merge and Find Duplicates: The Find Duplicates filter allows you to find duplicates based on any field matching. Once you find the duplicates, select one or more and then hit the “merge” button.
Improved Import: We have greatly improved this process to make it easier to do and faster. You no longer need to “promote” leads to make them available to use. Adding an import preview also helps you avoid making mistakes in the import process.
Analytics Reports: The first set of reports allows you to see counts and totals of all kinds of useful data.
- Probably the most interesting thing about reports is that they allow for a Smart List to filter them. This means you can look at data for just members of a single campaign or list or any other criteria a smart list can handle.
- There are two web activity reports. Use the smart list to make one for an important “hotlist” of customers and the other to be unfiltered. Then subscribe to them independantly. Next month, you will be able to create even more.
April 2008
- Improved Landing Page Drafts in the Design Studio: Now, when you create a draft, you will see a separate draft icon in the folder tree. This usability enhancement is to help make designing emails and landing pages clearer.
- More power to the smart list filters: You can now use negative operations. For example you can find all the people who have NOT clicked on a certain link.
March 2008
- Push activities from Marketo to Salesforce: Just click admin->Salesforce and check the activities you want to share with your sales team.
- New Smart Campaign home: It shows the status of the campaign and a summary of all the relevant information. You can change the qualification rules or jump to the lead membership from there. If the campaign sent an email, you can click on the email link to preview.
- Membership Trend tab on that same screen: Best practice is to have certain focal campaigns that represent goals that you are trying to achieve. One goal might be when you hand a lead over to the sales team. This chart shows you the specific trend on a 3 month-over-month basis. You can even view full screen or export the data to excel!
- Export from any list, smart list, and even the activity results on a campaign. Just look at the bottom of the grid and click export.
- News on performance: 75% speed improvement for all trees! This should make moving around the application much faster. We have more enhancements on tap for speed. We won’t rest until it’s lightning fast.
- Increased server production by 300% with clustering and enterprise hardware upgrades. We are dedicated to excellent uptime and server performance. Again, we have even more surprises coming on this score.
- Improved performance of using the ANY choice in a smart list: It used to be a lot slower, but now it’s zippy!
- “Not a member of a List”: Just drag on the “Member of a List” filter, and choose Lead is Not in “ListName”. This gives you that missing piece of cross-referencing against other lists.
- Toggle between the Lead Database of a campaign and the membership of that campaign: Just look in the toolbar and you can quickly jump from one to the other and back again.
- A brand new email report: which shows all the good data about emails. You can click on any of the links on the left to preview in a new window. This, like the other grids, has easy export to excel.
- New Lead Detail page: The styling isn’t complete yet, but the functionality is great. You can open up multiple leads now in a separate window and keep track of them while you go elsewhere in the application. This is the same popup used when linking from the popular Web Activity Report. Performance and load time has been improved by over 250%.
February 2008
Add to list and Remove from list flow actions: Lots of ways of using these static lists. Try them out.
Cleaned up Trees: Now it’s easier to create folders and organize all the different assets you have. The design studio elements now show up in Recently Viewed. More to come later this week with trees. Don’t forget to drag and drop tree objects into the folder you want.
Multi-Part Emails: Text versions. Add in a purely text version of your email for certain mobile devices and email clients that can not render HTML. You can still drag in replaceable tokens from the right.
Edit default unsubscribe text: Click admin, then email and you can edit the unsubscribe text that is printed at the bottom of emails. HTML and Text versions for multi-part emails.
Set the subscription time zone: This will get used in the app starting now. Click admin, subscription and edit the time zone for your subscription.
Filter View in Campaign Smart Lists: In the lead database, check out the campaign smart lists. Now they show the historical membership, the smart list definition and a current snapshow of the matching leads in the database (Filter View).
Results tab in Smart Campaigns: More summary information to come, but you can start to see the activity in the campaign on the results tab. Click the Results tab again to refresh the data.
Clone Smart Campaign: Clone a campaign to get a new membership, but keep the existing rules and flow.
Speed improvements on munchkin script and several categories of smart lists and searches.
Drag & Drop now works even if you grab the icon. I know, this was annoying. All fixed!
More hosted jQuery plugins for use on landing pages. All kinds of dynamic capabilities are available in landing pages with custom HTML. Ask us to help today. We will publish How-to’s soon. Some possibilies:
- Dynamic thank you pages, text or images based on the URL or field value.
- Rich Tool tips.
- Animations
- and much more.
Lead DB “Quick Find” now searches name, job title, company, and email address. Works with pagination too.
January 2008
- Explorer Tree updates: Try right clicking on any of the items in the tree. You can use the Goto menu to jump directly to a tab.
- Programs in Marketing activities: Create nested programs to organize your campaigns. Keep your Smart Campaigns small by avoiding repeating flow steps.
- Delete and Rename works for folders, programs in the tree.
- Drag and Drop: Try dragging a campaign from one program to another!
- Analytics: The first reports are in. Click on Analytics, Subscriptions and sign up to see Web Page Activity reports.
- Major performance optimizations all around.
- Better tracking: Visits Web Page now tracks the search engine and specific search query.
- Email Signatures: Drag on Lead Owner details onto your email to get dynamic signatures.
- Better support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.
- Oodles of bug fixes.
December 2007
Huge Lead Database speed improvements: Clicking on most Smart Lists and Lists now take a couple of seconds instead of minutes.
Column chooser UI Enhancements: Choose columns for any grid by clicking the trigger on the header.
Sticky Column preferences: Whenever you sort or reorder columns, Marketo will save those preferences.
Organization tools in Lead Database:
- Folders - Organize your Lists with ease using folders. Just right click in the tree.
- Delete Lists - Get rid of the old lists when they are no longer useful.
- Permanently Delete Leads - Especially those “test” leads. This doesn’t affect your Salesforce leads at all.
- Delete Smart List - Doesn’t delete the leads, just the list.
- Remove From List - Just pulls the lead off the list, doesn’t delete the lead.
- Move/Copy to List - Drag names from any grid to list. Use the control key to flip between “move” and “copy”.
Context Menus on lists: When you have a static list, right click on a lead on the grid. You get the lead actions menu!
Operational emails: When you declare an email to be “operational” the email will ignore normal unsubscribe checks and send an email no matter what–and those emails will not include unsubscribe text. Only use this for transactional emails (a response to a direct request) and not general marketing campaigns.
Search box for email replaceable text: Easily find that field you need in the email editor.
Lots of bug fixes
Marketo Engage
Marketo Migration to the Adobe Admin Console - (Pre-Migration)
Experience Cloud Tech Sessions
Tuesday, Mar 4, 6:00 PM UTC
Join Adobe's Customer Experience and Identity Team to prepare for a smooth Marketo migration to the Adobe Admin Console. Learn key steps, best practices, and how to avoid roadblocks for a seamless transition.
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Experience Cloud Tech Sessions
Tuesday, Mar 11, 4:00 PM UTC
Migrated Marketo to the Adobe Admin Console? Join our webinar to master key features, best practices, and troubleshooting tips. Learn how to manage users,, settings, and more. register now!