Preview a Web Campaign on the Web Campaigns Page

  1. While looking at the listing of your web campaigns, simply choose a campaign and click the Preview icon.


Preview a Web Campaign on your Website

Create a sandbox segment and campaign.

  1. Go to Segments.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Name the segment.

  4. Under Behavioral, drag Include Pages onto the canvas. Add the value *sandbox=1*. Click Save & Define Campaign.

  5. On the Set Web Campaign page, change the Target Segment to the sandbox segment by selecting it from the list.

  6. Complete the campaign creative and Click Launch.

  7. Go to your website, add the URL parameter “?sandbox=1” at the end of the URL. Example:

  8. See the campaign react on your website.

Campaigns react only once during a visitor session. To see the campaign again, clear your browser cookies.
Redirect campaigns cannot be previewed. The only way to test them is by using a sandbox segment (that targets by specific pages - *sandbox=redirect*)
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Marketo Engage