
The Organizations tab displays all the details (name, location, activity and time stamp) of organizations that visited your website during a given period. The table can be sorted and organized by time, location, domain and via a free text search.

‘Most Active’ vs. ‘Latest’ - The table is organized by identified Organizations and then Internet Service Providers (denoted by an ISP icon). It can be sorted according to:
  • Most Active: the most active organizations in the table, based on number of page views
  • Latest: the most recent organizations in the table (default)
  • For valuable insights, filter according to most active

Organizations - Right-hand Panel

The right-hand panel of the Organizations page offers the following features and insights:

Spreadsheet icon: Situated at the top right of the panel, the icon downloads the Organizations table in CSV format for offline use

Set Email Alert: Sends the logged in user an email every time the selected organization visits the website

Leads: Opens the leads table for the selected organization

Share: Opens a pop-up window to email and share the details of the organization that visited the webpage

Location Icon: Displays the country and city of the selected organization

Links: Jigsaw, Whois, Linkedin, Google, Twitter opens a new window with additional information from the respective webpage offering additional insight into the selected organization

Search: Displays the keyword used if the visitor arrived via a search engine

Referrers: Shows the URL link of the page that referred the traffic to your site

Visitors: Displays the number of visits, the number of pages viewed by the selected organization and their email address (if they completed a submit form) and the time and date of the last visit

Clickstream: Displays a table of the user activity and URL path on the site and how long they visited each page

Share Organizations

Want to share the information of your website visitor to a colleague? Click on an Organization and then click on the Share link on the right-hand side panel.

This actives the Share this Organization overlay, where you can send an email sharing the name and details of the organization that visited the website.


The Visitors page displays all the details and online behavior of each visitor that arrived on your site within the given time period. The page offers a deep insight into each individual visitor’s activities and online behavior. Visitor data in the table is updated within 24-48 hours.

The right-hand panel of the Visitors page provides the following insights:

Spreadsheet iconSituated at the top right of the panel, the icon downloads the Visitors table in CSV format for offline use
Organization Name
Set CampaignAllows you to set up a Campaign CTA associated with the selected visitor
LocationDisplays the visitor's country, state and city
ClickstreamDisplays a table of the visitor's activity and URL path on the site and how long they visited each page


The Real-Time page displays visitors on your website in real-time, measuring the activity as it happens.

The Real-time page is split into 6 informative tables of onsite visitor details:

VisitorsRepresents the number of visitors currently on your website
Clicks per minuteA live line graph showing the number of clicks on your site per minute
Top OrganizationsA short version of the Organizations table
Real-Time SegmentThe number of visitors currently onsite that match designated segments
Currently BrowsingThe URL of the pages currently being viewed by onsite visitors
Top ReferralsThe referral URL that brought the visitor to your site