Invite Users to Access Account Insight invite-users-to-access-account-insight

Follow these steps to provide users access to Account Insight.

  1. Click Admin.

  2. Click Users & Roles in the tree. Then click the Sales Users tab, and Invite New Sales User.

    There are two ways to invite users: By CRM or by email. In this example we’ll use Invite by CRM.

    note note
    When inviting new (non-Marketo) users via the CRM user list, you can invite multiple people at a time. Invite by email is 1 for 1.
  3. Click the CRM User drop-down and select the desired user.

    note note
    If you choose Invite User by email, simply enter their first name, last name, and email address, and continue to step 4.
  4. To set an expiration date for the user’s access (optional), click the calendar icon. It’s set to “never” by default.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Check the Account Insight checkbox and click Next.

  7. Look over the send message, make any desired changes (optional) and click Send.
