Account Filters account-filters

Identify and engage Named Accounts and the personas within them using new account-centric filters.

TAM Filters tam-filters

  1. Select your smart campaign and click Smart List.

  2. Click the + to expand the Account Filters folder.

  3. Drag the filter(s) you want to use onto the canvas.

Member of Account List member-of-account-list

To use this filter, click the account list drop-down…

…and choose your desired account list(s).

For the Member of Account List filter, there’s only one qualifier: “is” - Additional qualifiers (such as “is not” and “is any”) are not available.

Member of Named Account member-of-named-account

First, choose a qualifier. Is for a specific named account(s) or is any for any named account.

Click the named account drop-down…

…and choose your desired named account(s).

If you use the “is any” qualifier, you may want to utilize constraints to narrow your search results. Add as many as you’d like!

Set “Include Children” to false if you only want members from the single, top-level account. Select true if you want members from all child accounts.
