Understanding the Program Opportunity Analysis Area understanding-the-program-opportunity-analysis-area
Overview overview
The Program Opportunity Analysis area allows you to analyze the effectiveness of individual Programs or to see summarized results by Program Channel.
Example business questions you can answer using this analysis area include:
How many Opportunities were associated to a given Program and how many of those have we won?
How much revenue has a given Program or Channel helped generate?
What is my Revenue to Investment for a given Program or Channel?
Which Opportunities did a given Program influence?
Program Opportunity Analysis Attribution Measures (Blue Dots) program-opportunity-analysis-attribution-measures-blue-dots
Measures available for you to use in analysis are generally numbers and are represented by blue dots. Dimensions are attributes that give different views of the measures and are represented by yellow dots.
All measures (blue dots) relate to attribution - the “credit” for lead acquisition or for the sales success associated with a lead.
There are three kinds of measures:
- Acquisition-related measures, which get first-touch attribution (FT).
- Success-related measures, which receive multi-touch attribution (MT).
- Miscellaneous Program-related measures, including the average number of marketing touches before Opportunities are created or closed.
Acquisition and Success-Related Measures acquisition-and-success-related-measures
Acquisition-related measures give credit to the program through which a lead’s contact information are first obtained. A lead does not have to achieve success in a program for acquisition credit to be awarded.
The value of acquiring a given lead changes over time. It’s zero until a purchase is made by the lead. It can then increase with additional purchases.
Success-related measures give credit to all the programs that contribute to a lead’s progress towards a purchase.
As with acquisition, the value of contributing toward the sales made to a lead changes over time, and is zero until some purchase is made by the lead.
* (FT) = First-Touch Attribution, used for measures of lead acquisition; (MT) = Multi-Touch Attribution, used for measures of lead success
Below is a scenario that describes how Opportunity Units are calculated when there are two Programs that generated leads, but those leads led to one Opportunity from the same account.
Program 1
- Generates one lead: Lead 1
- Lead 1 is from Account 1
Program 2
- Generates another lead: Lead 2
- Lead 2 is also from Account 1
Account 1
- Generates one Opportunity: Opportunity 1
Marketo gives credit appropriately without double-counting Opportunities across Programs. So, in this instance, each Program receives 0.5 Opportunity Units. That is, each Program receives half of the credit for the generated Opportunity. Also, half the revenue associated with the Opportunity is assigned to each Program.
Miscellaneous Program-Related Measures miscellaneous-program-related-measures
The other measures available reflect the overall performance of the Program.
Program Opportunity Analysis Dimensions (Yellow Dots) program-opportunity-analysis-dimensions-yellow-dots
Whereas measures (blue dots) are calculated, and require some thought and explanation to use, dimensions (yellow dots) are descriptive. Here are the available dimensions.
*All of the Opportunities that gave any type of attribution credit to a Program. Opportunities can be influenced by one or more leads and by one or more Programs.