Build an Email Analysis Report that Shows Program Information build-an-email-analysis-report-that-shows-program-information

Follow these steps to create an Email Analysis Report that will show email information grouped by program channels.

Not everyone has purchased this feature. Please contact the Adobe Account Team (your Account Manager) for details.
  1. Launch Revenue Explorer.

  2. Click Create New and select Report.

  3. Select Email Analysis area and click OK.

  4. Find the Sent (Week) yellow dot and right click it. Click Filter.

    note note
    This will narrow down the timeframe of the report.

  5. Check Current Sent Week and click OK.

  6. Find and double click the Program Channel yellow dot.

  7. Find and double click the Email Name yellow dot.

  8. Find and double click the Sent, Opened and Clicked blue dots.

    Great job! You should have a report that looks something like this:
