Performance Insights Quick Charts performance-insights-quick-charts

Quick Charts are thumbnails that you customize and save, providing a quick view of charts that you use the most.

Create a New Quick Chart create-a-new-quick-chart

Quick Charts derive from data you specify. In this example, we’ll choose: new opportunities (first touch), opportunity type = new business, current year-to-date.

  1. Click the date filter and choose Current Year (YTD).

  2. Click the + and select your criteria.

  3. The chart updates to reflect the filters you’ve chosen.

  4. Click the Export icon and select Save as Quick Chart.

  5. Name your Quick Chart and click Save.

Your Quick Chart is now with the others.

You can have up to 20 Quick Charts. They can be deleted and replaced.

View Existing Quick Charts view-existing-quick-charts

  1. To view your existing Quick Charts, simply click the Quick Charts icon.

Delete a Quick Chart delete-a-quick-chart

If you need to delete a Quick Chart, follow these simple steps.

  1. Click the Quick Charts icon.

  2. Hover over the desired chart, but do not click on it. Upon hovering, an X will appear. Click the X.

  3. Click Delete.
