Displays a content piece’s surge in popularity by looking at the last two-week increase in views compared to the same previous period.

Suggested Content

Displays content we suggest you promote in your Marketing Activities based on the filter you defined.

Hover over an image in Suggested Content to reveal available options.

See those icons at the bottom? Left to right they are: View Content, Export to CSV, Approve Content.


Search for the desired content piece and click it to see additional details, including: the visitors viewing it, new versus returning, known and anonymous, the top locations the visitors came from when viewing the content, and the top inferred industries they come from.

Similar content is based on the selected content piece and is calculated by an association rules algorithm. The results represent content pieces that visitors will most likely click, depending on the selected piece and past visitor behavior. It does not take the filter or date range into account.
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Marketo Engage