Marketo Outlook Plugin Installation by IT marketo-outlook-plugin-installation-by-it
Sometimes corporate policies require that their IT Team installs all software on their employees’ computers. In these cases, IT often does this remotely using their own deployment software. This doc provides the command lines you would use as inputs during the deployment process to remotely install the outlook plug-in.
Run the following command line as the as ‘System’ or an Administrative user account with the /i switch to install.
<pre>msiexec.exe /i [File Name] /qn REG=[Enterprise Key]</pre>
<pre>msiexec.exe /i MarketoAddInSetup64.msi /qn REG=ABC9-123y-WXYZ-4321</pre>
For troubleshooting, you can enable logging to create an output log file.
<pre>msiexec.exe /i [File Name] /qn /L*v MarketoAddin.log REG=[Enterprise Key]</pre>
<pre>msiexec.exe /i MarketoAddInSetup64.msi /qn /L*v MarketoAddin.log REG=ABC9-123y-WXYZ-4321</pre>
To specify a location of the log files, you can specify the file path in the command line.
<pre>msiexec.exe /i [File Name] /qn /L*v [File Path]MarketoAddin.log REG=[Enterprise Key]</pre>
<pre>msiexec.exe /i MarketoAddInSetup64.msi /qn /L*v C:\temp\MarketoAddin.log REG=ABC9-123y-WXYZ-4321</pre>
Please refer to Microsoft’s complete list of switches if you would like to try different logging levels or user interface levels.