Add Sales Insight Access to Profiles add-sales-insight-access-to-profiles
Here’s how to create a profile with access to Sales Insight while removing access for your other profiles. This is for users who have already installed the Sales Insight AppExchange package.
Create a New Profile for Sales Insight create-a-new-profile-for-sales-insight
If you have a dedicated profile for your Sales Insight users, you can skip this step.
In Salesforce, go to the Setup page.
Search for profiles in Quick Find and select the Profile option.
Click the New Profile button at the top of the page.
Pick a profile to clone and give it a name (ex: Sales Insight User).
Click Save when done.
Add Sales Insight Permissions add-sales-insight-permissions
Go back to your Profiles list.
Click the Edit link for the new profile you just created (or any other existing profile you’d like to give Sales Insight Access to).
On the edit page, you’ll need to change a few settings.
For profiles that are allowed access Sales Insight:
- In Tab Settings, change the Marketo tabs to Default On
- In Custom Object Permissions, check Read, Create, Edit, and Delete on Marketo Sales Insight Config (if the user should have access to the config settings - typically used for Admins)
For profiles that are not allowed access to Sales Insight:
- In Tab Settings, change the Marketo tabs to Tab Hidden
- In Custom Object Permissions, uncheck Read, Create, Edit, and Delete on Marketo Sales Insight Config
Click Save when done.
Create Layout for Sales Insight create-layout-for-sales-insight
Go to the Setup page, then click App Setup > Customize > Leads > Page Layouts. Then click the New button.
Clone your layout of choice and give the layout an appropriate name (ex: Sales Insight Layout).
Click Save when done.
Repeat these steps for your Contacts, Opportunities, and Accounts’ page layouts.
Assign Profile to Layout assign-profile-to-layout
Go back to the Page Layouts section and click the Page Layout Assignment button.
Select Edit Assignment.
Select your Sales Insight profile from the list, then select your Sales insight layout from the “Select Page Layout” drop-down.
Click Save when done.
Repeat these steps for your Contacts, Opportunities, and Accounts’ page layouts.
Other Changes other-changes
Here are some other places where Sales Insight items could appear. You’ll have to remove them outright since you can’t use Profiles to limit their access:
- Remove Sales Insight buttons from Search Layouts for Contacts, Leads, and Accounts
- Remove Sales Insight columns from Contact and Lead lists