Find and filter

Use the search bar to find a fragment by name. Click the Filter icon ( Filter icon ) to show the available filter options and choose the desired settings.

Filter the displayed fragments

Customize the columns

Customize the columns you want to display in the table by clicking the Customize table icon ( Customize table icon ) at the top right.

Select the columns you want and click Apply.

Customize table modal

Fragment status

The fragment status determines its availability for use in an email or email template and the changes you can make to it.


When you create a fragment, it is in draft status. It remains a draft until you publish it for use in an email or email template.

Available actions:

  • Edit all details

  • Edit in visual designer

  • Publish

  • Duplicate

  • Delete


When you publish a fragment, it becomes available for use in an email or email template. Published fragment content cannot be modified in the visual designer.

Available actions:

  • Edit description

  • Add to an email or template

  • Create draft version

  • Duplicate

  • Delete (if not in-use)

Published with draft

When you create a draft from a published fragment, the published version remains available for use in an email or email template, and the draft content can be modified in the visual designer. If you publish the draft version, it replaces the current published version and the content is updated in all the emails and email templates where it is in use.

Available actions:

  • Edit description

  • Add to an email or template

  • Edit draft version in visual designer

  • Publish draft version

  • Duplicate

  • Delete (if not in-use)

Create fragments

  1. To create a new visual fragment, click Create fragment at the top right of the fragments list page.

    Create fragment button

  2. Give your fragment a Name and an optional Description.

    Fragment requirements

    • Name: 100 characters max, must be unique, not case sensitive
    • Description: 300 characters max
    • Characters: alpha, numeric, and special characters are okay
    • Reserved characters are not allowed: \ / : * ? " < > |

    Create fragment modal

  3. Click Create.

    Create fragment modal

    A fragment’s Type cannot be modified at this time.

    The visual designer opens with an empty canvas.

  4. Use the content design tools to create the visual fragment content.

  5. Click Save at any time to save the draft fragment.

  6. When you are ready to make the fragment available for use in an email or email template, click Publish.

View fragment details

Click the name of any fragment in the list page to open the fragment details page. You can choose to edit the fragment, rename it, or update its description. Make updates and click outside of the name or description field to save your changes.

If a published fragment is in use by an email or email template, you cannot change its name or edit the content. You can create a draft version if you want to make changes to the fragment.

View details for a published fragment

Click Edit fragment to open the fragment in the visual content editor.

Exit the view at any time by clicking the Back arrow at the top left, which returns you to the Fragments list page.

View fragment used-by references

In the fragment details page, click the Used By tab to view details of where the fragment is being used within Marketo Engage.

A fragment that is currently in use by an email or email template cannot be deleted.

Used by references for the fragment

Click the link to open the corresponding email or email template where the fragment is used.

Delete fragments

Because a fragment that is currently in use by an email or email template cannot be deleted, be sure to check the used-by references before initiating a fragment removal. Also, a removal cannot be undone, so check before initiating a delete action.

You can delete a fragment using either of the following methods:

  • From the fragment details on the right, click Delete.
  • From the Fragments listing page, click the ellipsis next to the fragment and choose Delete.

This action opens a confirmation dialog. You can abort the process by clicking Cancel, or click Delete to confirm deletion.

Delete fragment dialog

Edit fragments

Edits to a fragment depend on its current status:

  • When a fragment is in Draft status, you can edit any of its details and the visual content.
  • When a fragment is in Published status, you can edit the fragment description, but not the name. You cannot edit the visual content.
  • When a fragment is in Published with draft status, editing the details is limited to the description. You can also edit the visual content for the draft version.
  1. From the Fragments listing page, click the fragment name to open it.

    A preview of the visual content is displayed, with the fragment details on the right.

  2. Make the desired edits.

    Details for frament with Draft status

  3. To make changes to the content in the visual designer, click Edit fragment. Click Save when done.

  4. Click Save, or Save & close to return to the fragment details.

  5. When you want to make the fragment available for use in an email or email template, click Publish.

  1. From the Fragments listing page, click the fragment name to open it.

    A preview of the visual content is displayed, with the fragment details on the right.

  2. Modify the description, if needed.

    For a published fragment, all other details cannot be changed.

  3. If you want to update the content, click Create draft version at the top right.

    Click OK in the dialog to open the draft version in the visual designer. You can change the image source KG - LINK HERE if needed.

    Create draft version dialog

  4. Click Save, or Save & close to return to the fragment details.

  5. When you want to make the fragment available for use in an email or email template, click Publish.

When you publish the draft version, it replaces the current published version and the content is updated in the emails and email templates where it is already in use.

There are two ways to open the draft version for editing from the Fragments listing page:

  • Click the More icon () next to the fragment name and choose Open draft version.

    Open draft version

  • Click the fragment name to open it. Then, click Open draft version at the top right.

A preview of the visual content for the draft version is displayed, with the fragment details on the right.

To update the content:

  1. Click Edit fragment at the top right. Click Save when done.

  2. Click Save, or Save & close to return to the fragment details.

  3. When you want to make the fragment available for use in an email or email template, click Publish.

When you publish the draft version, it replaces the current published version and the content is updated in the emails and email templates where it is already in use.

Duplicate fragments

You can duplicate a fragment using either of the following methods:

  • From the Fragments listing page, click the More icon () next to the fragment name and choose Duplicate.
  • At the top right of the fragment details page, click … More and choose Duplicate.

Duplicate the fragment

In the dialog, enter a unique name and optional description. Click Duplicate.

Enter a name and description for the duplicated fragment

The duplicated fragment then appears in the Fragments listing.

Save a new fragment from email or template content

When you are creating/editing an email or email template in the visual content editor, you can save all or part of the content as a fragment for reuse.

  1. To save content as a fragment, click More and choose Save as Fragment.

  2. Select the different elements to be included in the fragment.

    Select multiple structures by holding the Shift or Control button.

    You can only select structures that are adjacent to each other.

  3. With the content selected, click Create at the top right.

  4. In the dialog, enter a name and optional description for the fragment and click Create.

The fragment is then displayed in the Fragments listing page and is available for use within emails and email templates.

Add visual fragments to your email or template content

Fragments are designed for reuse. You can add up to 30 in an email or email template, and they can be nested up to one level only.

The content of the fragment is dynamically updated within the structure to render a visual of how the content appears in the email.

If you want the fragment to occupy the entire horizontal layout within the email, add a 1:1 column structure and then drag and drop the fragment into it.

After the email/email template is saved, it appears in the fragment details page when the Used By tab is selected. Added fragments are not editable within the email or template—the published source fragment defines the content.

Fragment actions during email and template authoring

When a fragment is added to an email or email template, its content cannot be edited within the email or template. However, you can apply the following actions:

  • Delete - This removes the fragment from the current email or email template content (the fragment source is unaffected).
  • Refresh - This refreshes the content of the fragment in the current email or email template. Refreshing is useful when you want to reflect any recent edits to the fragment after the addition to the email or email template.
  • Duplicate - This duplicates the fragment in the same email or email template within the editor. The duplicated fragment is added just below the original.
  • Open Fragment - This opens a new browser tab with the fragment editor page and details.
  • Break inheritance - This breaks the inheritance of the fragment (and its changes) from the source. Use this action to make the fragment content available as independent and editable content within the email or email template. This action also removes the email or email template from the Used By reference for the original fragment.

When you select the fragment on the editor page, these actions are available from the context toolbar and the properties panel on the right.

Apply actions to the selected fragment

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