Add Additional Landing Page CNAMEs add-additional-landing-page-cnames

You may want to add landing page CNAMEs to allow different URLs to point to your Marketo landing pages. Following the steps below will help you manage multiple domains.

Cookies are not shareable across domains.
Same top level domain - Good! Cookies are shared. >
Different top level domains - Bad! Cookies are not shared. >
Admin Permissions Required
  1. Go to the Admin area.

  2. Click My Account.

  3. Scroll down to “Support Information” and copy your Munchkin ID.

Send Request to IT send-request-to-it

  1. Ask your IT department to setup the following CNAME: (Replace the word [CNAME] with the CNAME of your choice and [Munchkin ID] with the text from the previous step).

    [CNAME] > [Munchkin ID]

Add a New CNAME add-a-new-cname

  1. Once your IT department has created the CNAME, go to the Admin area.

  2. Click Landing Pages.

  3. Click New then select New Domain Alias.

  4. Enter your Domain Alias. The Default Page is displayed if the visitor does not put in a URL. Enter where they should go in that case.

    note note
    For the Default Page, you can select a landing page or an external URL, such as your public website.

  5. Enter your Default Page and click Create.

Nice! Now you know what to do if you ever want to add a CNAME.
