Show Custom HTML Form for Known People show-custom-html-form-for-known-people

If a visitor is cookied (known person who provided an email address in the past), then why bother with the form? Just give them the download button. Here’s how.

  1. Go to Marketing Activities.

  2. Under Marketing Activities, select your form and click Edit Form.

  3. Under Form Settings, click on Settings.

  4. Set If Known Visitor, Show: to Custom HTML.

  5. Click the -- to edit the Custom HTML that will be shown to known people.

  6. There’s some default content, but feel free to change it up.

    Available tokens:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2
    Token Description
    {{lead.FirstName}} This will display the person’s first name.
    {{lead.LastName}} This will display the person’s last name.
    {{form.Button:default=Download}} This will display the form button. Replace the area after the = to change the button text.
    {{form.NotYou:default=Not you?}} This will display a link in case the person is someone else. Replace the area after the = to change the link text.
    note caution
    Only the four tokens above can be used. Any other token will not work here.
  7. Click Finish.

  8. Click Approve and Close.

    note note
    The form must be approved to be used on landing pages.

    note note
    Remember to approve the landing page draft created by the form changes.

    Piece of cake! Check out what a person would see if they came back to the same form:

    note tip
    You can direct the click of the button to the asset by setting the form follow-up page to the file’s URL.