Conversation Completed

The visitor has reached the end of the conversation.

window.addEventListener('adobedx.conversations.ready', () => {
    const {addListener, Enum} = window.AdobeDX;
    addListener(Enum.Events.CONVERSATION_COMPLETED, (event) => {
 // code here will execute when a conversation is completed

Conversation Closed

The visitor has closed the conversation before reaching the end.

window.addEventListener('adobedx.conversations.ready', () => {
    const {addListener, Enum} = window.AdobeDX;
    addListener(Enum.Events.CONVERSATION_CLOSED, (event) => {
 // code here will execute when a conversation is closed

The event parameter is an object with metadata related to the conversation. You can access this metadata by accessing

Here are some key metadata values you can access:

Conversation Type (dialogue/conversation flow)payload.type
UI Type (popup/chatbot/inline)payload.uiType
Session IDpayload.sid

Visitor Input Events

These events are triggered when a visitor engaging in a conversation provides their contact information (e.g., phone number or email address). Below are the events that fall under this category.

Phone Number

This event is triggered when a visitor provides their phone number during the conversation.

window.addEventListener('adobedx.conversations.ready', () => {
    const {addListener, Enum} = window.AdobeDX;
    addListener(Enum.Events.CONVERSATION_INPUT_PHONE, (event) => {
 // code here will execute when a visitor provides their phone number

Email ID

This event is triggered when a visitor provides their email address during the conversation.

window.addEventListener('adobedx.conversations.ready', () => {
    const {addListener, Enum} = window.AdobeDX;
    addListener(Enum.Events.CONVERSATION_INPUT_EMAIL, (event) => {
 // code here will execute when a visitor provides their email address

The event parameter is an object with metadata related to the conversation. You can access this metadata by accessing

Here are some key metadata values you can access:

Conversation Type (dialogue/conversation flow)payload.type
UI Type (popup/chatbot/inline)payload.uiType
Session IDpayload.sid

Meeting Booking Events

These events are triggered when a visitor books a meeting with your business representative.

Below are the events that fall under this category.

Meeting Booked

This event is triggered when a visitor books a meeting on an agent’s calendar.

window.addEventListener('adobedx.conversations.ready', () => {
    const {addListener, Enum} = window.AdobeDX;
    addListener(Enum.Events.CONVERSATION_MEETING_BOOKED, (event) => {
 // code here will execute when a meeting is booked

The event parameter is an object with metadata related to the conversation. You can access this metadata by accessing

Here are some key metadata values you can access:

Conversation Type (dialogue/conversation flow)payload.type
UI Type (popup/chatbot/inline)payload.uiType
Session IDpayload.sid
Agent Namepayload.agentName
Agent IDpayload.agentID
Meeting Informationpayload.meetingInfo

Live Chat Events

These events are triggered when a visitor connects with a live agent during their engagement with the chatbot.

Below are the events that fall under this category.

Live Chat Requested

This event is triggered when a visitor selects the option to chat with a live agent and an available agent is being resolved.

window.addEventListener('adobedx.conversations.ready', () => {
    const {addListener, Enum} = window.AdobeDX;
    addListener(Enum.Events.CONVERSATION_LIVE_CHAT_REQUESTED, (event) => {
 // code here will execute when a visitor requests a live chat

Live Chat Initiated

This event is triggered when a visitor selects the option to chat with a live agent and an agent accepts the chat.

window.addEventListener('adobedx.conversations.ready', () => {
    const {addListener, Enum} = window.AdobeDX;
    addListener(Enum.Events.CONVERSATION_LIVE_CHAT_INITIATED, (event) => {
 // code here will execute after a live agent accepts the chat

Live Chat Ended

This event is triggered when a conversation between a visitor and the live agent ends.

window.addEventListener('adobedx.conversations.ready', () => {
    const {addListener, Enum} = window.AdobeDX;
    addListener(Enum.Events.CONVERSATION_LIVE_CHAT_ENDED, (event) => {
 // code here will execute when a live chat is ended

Live Chat Timeout

This event is triggered when a live chat conversation times out because the visitor stops responding, or they dropped.

window.addEventListener('adobedx.conversations.ready', () => {
    const {addListener, Enum} = window.AdobeDX;
    addListener(Enum.Events.CONVERSATION_LIVE_CHAT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, (event) => {
 // code here will execute when a visitor abandons a live chat

The event parameter is an object with metadata related to the conversation. You can access this metadata by accessing

Here are some key metadata values you can access:

Conversation Type (dialogue/conversation flow)payload.type
UI Type (popup/chatbot/inline)payload.uiType
Session IDpayload.sid
Agent Namepayload.agentName
Agent IDpayload.agentID

If you wanted to send any of these events to an analytics platform like Adobe Analytics or Google Analytics, you would need to add their respective tracking call inside these Dynamic Chat events. It would look something like the example below.

window.addEventListener('adobedx.conversations.ready', () => {
    const {addListener, Enum} = window.AdobeDX;
    addListener(Enum.Events.CONVERSATION_TRIGGERED, (event) => {
 // Enter Adobe Analytics or Google Analytics function here
    ga('send', 'event', {
      eventCategory: Dynamic Chat Conversations',
      eventAction: 'Conversation Triggered',
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