Step 3 of 3: Connect Marketo Engage and Veeva CRM step-3-of-3-connect-marketo-engage-and-veeva-crm

In this article, you’ll configure Marketo Engage to sync with your configured Veeva CRM instance. You’ll see Salesforce in some of the pop-ups as Veeva CRM is built on the Salesforce platform.

Only one Marketo Instance can be connected to a Veeva CRM instance at a time.

Connect to Veeva CRM using OAuth connect-to-veeva-crm-using-oauth

  1. In Marketo, Click Admin. Select CRM and click Sync with Veeva.

    note note
    Be sure to hide all fields you don’t need in Marketo from the sync user before clicking Sync Fields. Once you click Sync Fields all fields the user can see will be created in Marketo permanently and cannot be deleted.
  2. Click Login with Veeva.

    note note
    Check Sandbox if you’re syncing a Marketo Sandbox to a Veeva CRM Sandbox.
  3. Click Confirm Credentials.

  4. A pop-up with the Salesforce login page will show up. Enter your “Marketo Sync User” credentials and click Log In.

  5. Enter the verification code you received via email (sent by Salesforce) and click Verify.

  6. Upon successful verification, the access page will show up requesting access. Click Allow.

  7. In a few minutes, a pop-up will appear in Marketo Engae. Click Confirm Credentials.

Start Veeva Sync start-veeva-sync

  1. Click Start Veeva Sync to begin the persistent Marketo-Veeva CRM sync.

    note caution
    Marketo will not automatically de-dupe against a Veeva CRM sync, or when you manually enter leads.
  2. Click Start Sync.

The time to complete the initial sync varies depending on the size and complexity of your database.

Verify Sync verify-sync

Marketo provides status messages for the Veeva CRM sync in the Admin area. You can verify the sync is working correctly by following these steps.

  1. In Marketo, click Admin, then Veeva.

  2. The sync status is visible in the upper-right corner. It will show one of three messages: Last Synced, Sync in Progress, or Failed.
