Salesforce Sync Errors salesforce-sync-errors

View a summary of the errors faced during the sync process. This includes errors caused by failures to sync incompatible data.

Admin Permissions Required

View Sync Errors view-sync-errors

  1. Click Admin.

  2. Under Integration, click Salesforce, then the Sync Errors tab.

Errors listed range from the current time to five days prior to the current sync.
Failed On
Record Level or Job Level
Date/Time of the failure
Error Details
Error Type
SFDC Return message
Clicking on the record level record shows the Marketo and Salesforce IDs of the related object. In some cases, the message on the record and job level errors are directly from Salesforce. Searching for them online may provide additional details.

Filter Sync Errors filter-sync-errors

  1. To filter the data, click the filter icon to the far right of the page.

  2. Select your date and time range, then filter by Error Type (Job Level or Record Level). Click Apply when done.

OPTIONAL STEP: To export sync errors, click Export. The data will be exported as a CSV.
