Add or Remove People from your Dynamics Campaign add-or-remove-people-from-your-dynamics-campaign

Add to Dynamics Campaign add-to-dynamics-campaign

This flow step can be used in Marketo Engage Smart Campaigns to add people as leads or contacts in a Microsoft campaign. If the lead does not yet exist in Dynamics, it will automatically be synced over and get added to the campaign.

This flow action is available for Trigger Campaigns only.

In your Smart Campaign, find and select the Dynamics campaign you want to add your people to.

If you can’t see a Dynamics campaign in the campaign list:
  • Make sure the Campaign Sync is functional
  • The campaign is not active in Microsoft Dynamics

The system automatically creates a campaign-specific static marketing List, each for leads and contacts, to add the person to. It is a one-time action and once for subsequent syncs to the campaign, the same Marketing List is used. The naming standard adopted for the static Marketing List name is Mkto-leads-<uniqueID> for leads and Mkto-contacts-<uniqueID> for contacts.

Associating these Marketo-generated Marketing Lists to other campaigns could lead to confusing behavior. For example: adding to one campaign would also result in adding to the second campaign. Similarly, dissociating the Marketo-generated Marketing List from the Campaign in Dynamics is also not recommended.

Remove from Dynamics Campaign remove-from-dynamics-campaign

This flow step can be used in Marketo Smart Campaigns to remove people from a Microsoft campaign. This removes only those leads from a Campaign which have been previously added to the Campaign through the flow action “Added to Microsoft Campaign”.

This flow action is available for Trigger Campaigns only.

In your Smart Campaign, find and select the Dynamics campaign you want to remove your people from.

If you don’t see a Dynamics campaign in the campaign list:
  • Make sure the Campaign Sync is functional
  • The campaign is not active in Microsoft Dynamics