Use Tags in a Program use-tags-in-a-program

Tags are attributes that describe your programs and are used to group program types in reporting.

If you use the Revenue Cycle Explorer, a period cost must be defined (even if it’s 0) in order for reporting to be available for the program.

Use a Tag in a Program use-a-tag-in-a-program

  1. Select your program. Click Setup.

  2. Drag and drop a tag onto the canvas.

  3. Select a value from the drop-down.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Right on. You’ll see the new tag in the canvas.

Edit a Tag edit-a-tag

  1. Go to the Setup tab. Right-click the tag. Select Edit.

  2. Click the drop-down. Select a new value.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Great! You should see the edits reflected in the canvas.

Delete a Tag delete-a-tag

  1. Go to the Setup tab. Right-click the tag and select Delete.

  2. Click Delete to confirm.

Nice work! Programs with consistent tags make things much easier when you run your reports.
