Assigning Person Partitions with Assignment Rules assigning-person-partitions-with-assignment-rules

Admin Permissions Required

When using person partitions, set up assignment rules to route people created from your CRM to their respective partitions.

Only people created in Marketo from your CRM and via the SOAP API will have assignment rules applied to them.
  1. Go to the Admin area.

  2. Click Workspaces & Partitions.

  3. Under the Person Partitions tab, click Assignment Rules.

  4. Click Add Choice to add conditions for routing people into person partitions.

  5. Select the field the condition should be built on.

  6. Choose the choice operator and enter a value.

  7. Select the People Partition you want the people that meet the conditions to fall into.

    note note
    You can add as many choices as you like.
  8. Click Save.

And there you have it! You have assigned rules for filling your person partitions with people!

The Default Choice will be applied if none of the previous conditions are met.