Edit the “View as Web Page” Message edit-the-view-as-web-page-message
If you need to edit the “View as a Webpage” text, here’s how.
Edit the “View as Web Page” Message edit-the-view-as-web-page-message-1
Go to the Admin area.
Click Email.
note caution CAUTION The following variables are critical. Don’t delete them! %mkt_webview_url%?mkt_tok=##MKT_TOK##
The second part ##MKT_TOK##
is the munchkin cookie of that person. It makes sure they get cookied appropriately when they click the link. -
Edit the View as Web Page HTML and View as Web Page Text versions to your liking and click Save Changes.
- Adding additional URLs to either of the HTML boxes
- Putting HTML in the text version
There you have it. Send out test emails to ensure formatting.
Default “View as Web Page” Text default-view-as-web-page-text
If you ever need to revert to default system “View as Web Page”, copy/paste the following:
View as Web Page HTML:
<div style="text-align: center"><font face="Verdana" size="1">To view this email as a web page, <a href="%mkt_webview_url%?mkt_tok=##MKT_TOK##">click here</a></font></div>
View as Web Page Text:
To view this email as a web page, go to the following address:%mkt_webview_url%?mkt_tok=##MKT_TOK##
That’s it!