Content library

Learn how to create content to align with courses as self-paced content.

Content library contentlibrary

Content is the building block of a course. Authors create a library of content that can be aligned to courses as self-paced content. Only authors have access to this content library.

Supported content types supported

You can upload both interactive and static content in the library.

The table below shows the type of interactive and static file types that you can upload to the library.

Interactive content
Content type
  • SCORM 1.2
  • SCORM 2004
  • AICC
  • TinCan
Static content
Content type
mp4, wmv, 3gp, 3g2, 3gp2, asf, avi, f4v h264, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpg2, m4v, mov, wmv
mp3, wav, aac, m4a, wma, vorbis, pcm, eac3, amr, ac3
MS PowerPoint
pptx, ppt
MS Word
docx, doc
MS Excel
xlsx, xls
zip file

Add new content in the library addnewcontentinthelibrary

Authors can add contents in ALM. There are two types of contents in ALM: Content and Quiz. To learn how to add contents see Add static content and Create a quiz.

Add static content addstaticcontent

  1. Select Content Library on the left pane after you log in as Author and select Add.

    Alternatively, you can select Create Content from the Getting Started page.

  2. In the Name field, type a name for the content that you want to upload.

  3. In the Description field, type the description for the content. Make sure that the description you want to enter is meaningful. The character limit is 400 characters.

  4. To add the content, select Add Content File, and upload your resource file. When you add content for multiple languages, you cannot combine static and interactive content in a single group. Either all your content in all the locales should be static, or all the content should be interactive.

    If you want to replace the content, you can replace a static content with a different static content. The same applies to interactive content.

  5. In the Duration field, you can optionally type the expected time a learner would spend in this module. The duration is in minutes.

    If the learner marks a course as complete, we calculate the learning time based on the specified duration. If learner consumes the content in the player, then the time spent in the player gets is added to learning time spent. If the actual content time is less than the specified duration, the player displays the content time as is. No changes are made in this case.

  6. In the Tags field, type the tags for the uploaded content so that your content becomes discoverable.

    An author can use these tags to search for the content while adding the content to the course.

Add HTML5 file type in the content library

Authors can add HTML5 content as a .zip file to self-paced content. The .zip folder should contains an HTML file named index.html. If there are multiple HTML files, they should all be linked, with the main file named index.html. Learners can view the HTML5 content in the fluidic player. Author can add this HTML5 content to the self-paced module of a course and set the completion criteria. Authors can set the criteria for completing the HTML course in one of two ways:

  • The learner can mark it as complete themselves.
  • It will be marked as complete once they launch the course.

To add the HTML file type(.zip) to the content library, follow these steps.

  1. In the author app, select Create Content on the home page.

  2. In the Content Library screen, select Add > Content.

  3. Type the name and description of the content.

  4. Select the Add Content File option, then browse and select the HTML files (zipped as a folder).

  5. Upon the content added, you can view the content on the Content Library section.

  6. Select the HTML content and then select Edit.

  7. Select any of the following options from the Completion Criteria option.

    • On Launching content: The course will be marked as complete automatically when the learner launches it.
    • Learner marks complete: The learner has the option to mark the course as complete in the fluidic player.

    Completion criteria

  8. Select Save.

  9. Create a course by adding this content. For more information, view Creating, modify, and publish courses.

In the learner app, if an author selects selection criteria as On Launching content, then the course will mark as complete when the learner launches it. When an author chooses Learner marks complete, the learner will have the option to mark the course as complete.

Learner marks complete

Versioning versioning

The content library also maintains versioning of your uploaded contents. If you make any change in the content, for example a PowerPoint presentation, and re-upload the PPT in the library, the version number gets incremented by one. This helps you to track changes in your content.

Add interactive content addinteractivecontent

  1. Select Content Library on the left pane after you log in as Author and select Add.

    Alternatively, you can select Create Content from the Getting Started page.

  2. In the Name field, type a name for the content that you want to upload.

  3. In the Description field, type the description for the content.

    note note
    Make sure that the description you want to enter is meaningful. The character limit is 245 characters.
  4. To add the content, select Add Content File, and upload your resource file. When you add content for multiple languages, you cannot combine static and interactive content in a single group. Either all your content in all the locales should be static, or all the content should be interactive.

  • Supported file types

    The interactive content can be a SCORM, AICC, or a Captivate published project. The file must be a zip file.

    You can also add HTML content generated from Captivate, Presenter, or Presenter Video Express.

  1. Learning Manager supports captions for video content uploaded in Learning Manager. Now, authors can upload the file containing captions, along with the video file.

    Then, the learners can view the captions during the playback of the video module.

    The format supported is Web Video Text Tracks (webVTT).

    Caption support is available for video content uploaded in Content library in Learning Manager.

    As an author, when you’ll upload a video or audio content, you can also upload the VTT file that contains the captions.

    The subtitles then appear in the Fluidic Player. The captions are also compliant to WCAG2.0 standards.

    When you add a video content to the library, you can also add the VTT file, which must be a valid file.

    Add a webvtt file

    The uploaded VTT file corresponds to the existing version of the content. Thus uploaded webVTT file does not link to the older version of content.

    In case you are creating the content in different languages, you can upload a different webVTT file for each language. Learners will be able to see the captions corresponding to the language selected during playback.

    note note
    One VTT file supports one language. To support multiple languages, upload multiple video files for each content language and then upload its respective VTT file for each video file.

    As an author, every time you change the content, video or audio, Learning Manager prompts you for a new vtt file.

    After you add this content to a course, and when you preview the course as learner, you can see the captions on the video.

    On the player, toggle the CC button on the Fluidic player to display or hide the captions.

    The same view is present in the learner app as well as in Preview as learner.

    When you add, update, or delete the vtt file, you receive a notification.
    WebVTT support is not available for:

    1. Video announcements.
    2. Video played within the eLearning content. This is driven by the content.
    3. Video uploaded in Social Learning.
    4. Video created in Learning Manager desktop app.
    5. Video content created using migration process.
    6. Video playback in mobile app in offline mode.
  2. In the Duration field, you can optionally enter the expected time a learner would spend in this module. The duration is in minutes.

  3. In the Tags field, enter the tags for the uploaded content so that your content becomes discoverable.

Support for shared catalog

If a seller account shares a catalog that contains the courses, and the courses contain the modules, audio or video with the subtitles, the courses must behave the same in the purchaser account.

Module propagation should work correctly from Seller to Purchaser account. This may include - edit/delete/addition of the vtt file in the module.

Once you have uploaded the content, you can see a notification by clicking the Bell icon on top-right hand corner of the page. Each time you modify a content and re-upload it, you get a notification. If you make the changes, only you get the notification, not other authors.

Create a quiz createaquiz

Create assessments within Adobe Learning Manager with the new quiz creation tool on the Content Library page. The assessments created become part of the Content Library and can be added to a “public” folder for course reusability.

  1. Select Content Library in the left panel.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, select Add > Quiz.

  3. In the Create Quiz page, type the quiz’s name and description.

  4. In the Quiz Content section, select Add quiz question.

  5. In the Quiz question dialog, select the type of question. There are three types of questions:

    • Multiple choice question
    • True or false
    • Fill in the blank
  6. Enter the question and select the correct answer.

  7. Set the points for the quiz.

  8. If you want the question to be answered correctly to pass the quiz, select the checkbox Compulsorily to answer correctly to pass the quiz.

  9. Select Save and close.

  10. Enter the points to pass the quiz in the Passing criteria field.

  11. If you want a learner to view a correct answer, enable the toggle Show correct answers to learners after the quiz.

  12. If you want the questions and answers to appear randomly, enable the toggles:

    • Randomize question order
    • Randomize answer option order
  13. Specify a folder to add the quiz to make the quiz available to all authors.

  14. In the Duration field, specify the time the learner must spend on the quiz.

  15. Specify a tag from the list of already created tags.

  16. Add a logo and background to the quiz.

  17. On the upper-right corner of the page, select Publish.

To add the quizzes in different language, follow the please steps:

  1. To add the quiz for different languages, select the Add New Language tab, and choose the required languages. Using this approach, you can add multi-lingual support for your content.

    Add new language for a content

  2. Repeat the content upload process for the new languages.

  3. If you want to remove a language, select the Add New Language tab, and clear your selection.

    After you’ve made the changes, click Save. In the library, the new content now is available for consumption.

The quiz is added to the Content Library. Like any content in the Content Library, you can retire a quiz and then delete it.

Add to folder add-folder

After an Administrator creates the content folders, you, an author, can upload a content to a content folder, so that the content is only visible to you or a select group of authors in the account. You can also make the content public and make it visible to all authors in the account.

Example usage

For example, agencies want to maintain full control of the content and someone overlooking the content must have access to all content. At the same time, content creators in agencies must have access to their own content only, and in some cases, access to someone else’s content.

Content library with existing content (i.e. content uploaded before configuring Content folders) gets defined as Public folder. This folder cannot be retired or deleted. Content that is part of Public folder is accessible to all types of authors. Once Content Folders are configured, standard authors and custom authors should select the folder where the content should be placed, while uploading new content.

Public folder and private folders are mutually exclusive. This means that content cannot be associated with Public folder and private folder at the same time. It can either be associated to Public folder, or it can be associated with one or more private folders at any point of time.

When you add a content, you can choose the folder where the content will reside.

Add content to folder

If you choose Public, the content will be visible to all authors. All content that existed in the account that are not part of any folder will in the public folder, by default.

Note that content folders are simply virtual compartments to link the content. In case one content is placed in two folders, it means that content file is always one single file but linked to multiple folders. Thus, in case the content is updated by the custom-author-1 having access to custom-folder-1, the same updated content will also reflect in custom-folder-2 accessed by custom-author-2.

In the Content Library, there are two options for managing the content folders:

All Folders

It’s a list that displays all folders that were created in the account.

View all folders

All Authors

It’s a list that displays the authors who’ve created content and uploaded it in the library.

View all authors

This is available only when an Administrator creates a new folder.

Move content to folder movecontenttofolder

To move a public folder content to any private folder,

  1. Select Public folder from the All Folders drop-down list.

    View all uploaded content

  2. Choose the content that you’d like to move it to a folder. Then click Actions > Organize Content > Move Content to Folder.

    Move a selected content to folder

  3. Choose the folder where you want to move the content to. Click Move.

Copy content to folder copycontenttofolder

Copying a folder means that you’d be adding a tag to the folder. The copy operation will not create copies of content, but only add an association with specified folders.

Copy a folder

Unlinking means to remove the content from the selected folder.

Content can be unlinked from a specified folder ONLY if it is also associated with other folders. If content being unlinked, is only associated with one folder, then it is advisable to use MOVE operation instead.

The organize menu, under Actions, is disabled initially. To use that, you must first select a folder in the folder drop-down list.

Unlink a folder

Add content for different languages addcontentfordifferentlanguages

  1. To add the content for different languages, click the Add New Language tab, and choose the required languages. Using this approach, you can add multi-lingual support for your content.

    Add new language for a content

  2. Repeat the content upload process for the new languages.

  3. If you want to remove a language, click the Add New Language tab, and clear your selection.

    After you’ve made the changes, click Save. In the library, the new content now is available for consumption.

Set completion criteria setcompletioncriteria

Static content
Interactive content

You can only set the Completion Criteria for the content for the following options:

  • On Launching content
  • Based on the Minimum percent required

You can set both Completion and Success criteria for the content for the following options:

  • On Launching content
  • Based on the Minimum percent required
  • Quiz passed or attempted options

NOTE: Only HTML content from Captivate, Presenter Video Express, or Presenter can be edited.

After you’ve added the content, you can modify the completion criteria for the content.

In Learning Manager, badges and skill are awarded based on Success and Completion. If the learner has completed a course but is not successful, then the learner does not receive the badge and skill corresponding to the LO.

For example, if you had used Adobe Captivate to create your course and set the learning parameters on the Preferences dialog, the same settings get migrated to Learning Manager in the Completion Criteria options.

In the Completion Criteria section, you can set the options mentioned below:

On Launching Content: If you enable this option, you define the completion criteria for the content when a learner opens the content.

Based on the Minimum percent required: Set a value as minimum percentage of consumption by your learner. For example, if you set the percentage as 50, your learner can consume 50% of the content and still meet the completion criteria.

Quiz: Choose one of the following criteria:

  • Quiz passed: The status is reported as Complete only if a learner passes the quiz.

  • Quiz attempted: The status is reported as Complete if learners attempt the quiz irrespective of whether they pass or fail the quiz.

  • Quiz passed or limit reached: The status is reported as Complete if learners pass the quiz or have taken all the attempts. For example, if the number of attempts set in the course is two, and:

    • If learners take the first attempt and pass, then the status is reported as Complete and Passed.
    • If learners take the first attempt and fail, then the status is reported as Incomplete and Failed as the attempt limit is still not reached.
    • If learners retake the quiz and fail, the status is reported as Complete and Failed.
    • If learners attempt the quiz again and pass, the status is reported as Complete and Passed.

Set success criteria setsuccesscriteria

Similarly, you can define the success criteria for the course. A success criterion indicates a learner’s performance as Passed or Failed. If you had created a course in Captivate, you can set the success criteria for the course in the Preferences dialog, as shown below:

For example, you have uploaded a module that has a quiz in it. Now, you have set the Completion Criteria for that module to On Launching content and Success Criteria to Quiz Passed.

If the learner has launched the course and failed the quiz, then the course will be marked as Completed, however the Success Criteria is only be met when the learner passes the quiz.

Content filter options contentfilteroptions

Sort according to date sortaccordingtodate

Arrange the content according to when the content was modified last. You can either sort the content in ascending or descending order.

Sort content by date

Sort according to usage sortaccordingtousage

Arrange the content according to whether the content is being used in any course. In the Type drop-down, choose In Use or Unused.

Sort content by usage

Search for content searchforcontent

In the Content Library, you can search for a content by choosing either the name of the content or the tags associated with the content.

On the Search bar, enter the name of a course or a tag, and you can see the recommendations.

Retire content retirecontent

Once you publish a content, you cannot delete the content. You must retire the content first. When you mark a content as Retired, the content is no longer visible to learners. The content also moves to the Retired section. You can also move the content into the published state later.

To retire content, follow these steps:

  • In Content library, select the content you want to retire.
  • Select Action > Retire.

Any content that is being used in any learning objects do not get affected. Learners can still continue to access the content.

You can also add content from the Retired section, navigate to Content Library > Retired and select Add Content. For more details, see Add static content.

Republish retired content republishretiredcontent

Once you retire a content, you can republish the content and make the content appear in the Published list. For example, if you have retired version 1 of a content and want to replace that with version 2, you can move version1.pptx, for example, to the Published list, and update the file with version2.pptx. The new file becomes available for consumption in various courses.

To republish the retired content,

  1. Navigate to the Retired tab and select the content that you want to republish.
  2. Select Action > Republish.

The content now appears in the Published list.

Update the content

Authors can update the content in the published course. This will help learners get the latest version of the content. Check out this blog for more information.

Delete content deletecontent

After you have retired a content, you can delete it.

  • Navigate to the Retired tab and select the content you want to delete.
  • Select Action > Delete.

Note that existing courses that use the content, which are deleted from the content library, will continue to use the content.

Frequently Asked Questions frequentlyaskedquestions

How to upload a SCORM content in Adobe Learning Manager?
Create a SCORM-compliant eLearning course in any tool, such as, Adobe Captivate, and publish the content as a zip file. Then in Learning Manager, upload the zip file in the catalog, and set the completion and success criteria.
How do I upload a new version of the same content to Learning Manager?
In Learning Manager, the content library also maintains versions of your uploaded contents. If you make any change in the content, for example, a PowerPoint presentation, and re-upload the presentation in the library, the version number gets incremented by one. This helps you to track changes in your content. A new version of the content can be applied to all Learning Objects simultaneously or you can apply individual updates for each course.
How to edit the details of a course in a different language?
After adding a language/languages, as described in an earlier section, click each language tab, and then add/edit the course information.