Welcome to the Improved Journey Designer new-canvas

Journey Optimizer now offers a simplified journey model that aims to improve user experience and internal processes. Starting April release, you can benefit from the following features:

  • A re-designed journey canvas made for a modernized UI experience
  • A live reporting UI directly available in the journey canvas
Be aware that the rollout for this feature will be progressive. You might not see the changes right away.

Updates on the journey model

The new journey model will live alongside the existing one, meaning that there will be journeys using two different models:

  • The legacy model
  • The new model

All journeys in the legacy model will stay in it. You will still be able to edit, test or publish them. Any new version created from a journey on the legacy model will also stay in it. There are no functional changes around those journeys.

As you see in the below screenshot, the nodes are round-shaped, which is the old UI for journeys on the legacy model.

However, when you create a new journey or duplicate an existing one, it will be on the new model. Journeys on the legacy model will still be supported until a majority of customers are transitioned to the new one.

There is one limitation to the new journey model; it will not be possible to copy and paste activities from the legacy model to the new one and vice versa. If you want to do this, we advise you to duplicate your legacy journey to switch it to the new model, and then copy your activities.

In the below screenshot, you can see the redesigned UI for the journey canvas (only available with the new model):

Any new feature added to the journey designer (including live reporting) will only be available for journeys on the new model from this point forward.

Improved journey canvas design

With the new journey model, we’re introducing a new-and-improved journey canvas UI, which fits seamlessly within the Adobe Experience Cloud solutions & app ecosystem, making for an intuitive and efficient user experience. Any journey in the new model will be on that new design.

Activities will now be represented by square boxes with the following capabilities:

  • The first line representing the activity type which will often be overwritten by more contextual information (on Read Audiences, it will contain the name of the selected audience), or by a custom label if you define one.
  • The second line always representing the activity type.

This new UI improves the readability of the journey canvas by providing clearer activity labels and types.

It also allows the product team to add more information on the canvas with fewer clicks. One example of “more information” would be the inclusion of live reporting in the journey canvas, where you can see profiles entering and exiting your activities because of errors.

Live reporting in the journey canvas

In addition to the improved journey canvas layout, a new feature is being introduced to allow users to view real-time reporting metrics from the last 24 hours, called live reporting, directly within the journey canvas.

For each activity within every live journey using the new model, you have access to:

  • The count of profiles entering this activity.
  • The count of profiles exiting this activity due to an error.
