Landing page global report lp-report-global

Global reports, accessible from the All time tab, display events that occurred at least two hours ago and cover events over a selected time period. In comparison, Live reports focus on events that took place within the past 24 hours, with a minimum time interval of two minutes from the event occurrence.

To access your reports, select Report from the advanced menu of your selected landing page.

The landing page Global report is divided into different widgets detailing your delivery’s success and errors. Each widget can be resized and deleted if needed. For more information on this refer to this section.

Learn more on the different metrics and widgets available for the Landing page global report.

The Number of visits and Number of visits over time widgets allow you to see the impact of your landing page over the selected time period through a graph and KPIs with the following metrics:

  • Total visits: Total number of visits to your landing page coming from journeys and external sources, including multiple visits of one recipient.

  • Unique visitors: Number of persons who visited your landing page, multiple visits of one recipient are not taken into account.

The Landing page performance widget details the main information relative to your message through KPIs:

  • Conversion rate: Number of persons who interacted with the landing page, e.g. subscribed to a form, in relation to the total number of visits.

  • Bounce rate: Number of persons who didn’t interact with the landing page and didn’t complete the action of subscribing, in relation to the total number of visits.

The Visit sources widget represents how visitors are accessing your landing page:

  • Journey(s): Number of visits to your landing page coming from a journey.

  • Other sources: Number of visits to your landing page coming from an external source instead of a journey.

The Top clicked links identifies the visitors’ interaction with the delivery:

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in the landing page.

  • Click rate: Percentage of clicks in the landing page.

The Journey(s) widget represents the number of visits to your landing page from a journey:

  • Visits: Number of visits to your landing page, including multiple visits of one recipient.

The Other sources widget represents the number of visits to your landing page from an external source instead of a journey.

The Visits by messages / Conversions by messages graphs represent the total number of visits and persons who interacted successfully with your landing page for the concerned period depending on the sent messages.

The Visits by channels / Conversions by channels graphs represent the total number of visits and persons who interacted successfully with your landing page for the concerned period depending on the channels.

For a detailed list of every metric available in Adobe Journey Optimizer, refer to this page.
