Conditional instruction (if, then, else) conditional-instruction
The conditional instruction (if, then, else) is supported in the advanced editor. It allows to define more complex expressions. It is composed of the following elements:
- if: the condition to be evaluated first.
- then: the expression to be evaluated in case the result of the condition evaluation is true.
- else: the expression to be evaluated in case the result of the condition evaluation is false.
Parentheses are required around all the expressions.
if (<expression1>)
must return a boolean.
and <expression3>
must have the same type or compatible types. The supported signatures and returned types are:
boolean,boolean : boolean
dateTime,dateTime : dateTime
dateTimeOnly,dateTimeOnly : dateTimeOnly
decimal,integer : decimal
integer,decimal : integer
integer,decimal : decimal
duration,duration : duration
string,string : string
listBoolean,listBoolean : listBoolean
listDateTime,listDateTime : listDateTime
listDateTimeOnly,listDateTimeOnly : listDateTimeOnly
listDateOnly,listDateOnly : listDateOnly
listDecimal,listDecimal : listDecimal
listInteger,listInteger : listInteger
listString,listString : listString
The conditional instruction allows you to optimize the journey workflow by reducing the number of condition activities. For example, within the same action activity, you can specify two alternatives for a field definition using only one condition expression.
Example for an action activity (for a field that expects a string as the result of the conditional instruction):
if (startWithIgnoreCase(@event{eventiOSPushPermissionAllowed.device.model}, 'iPad') or startWithIgnoreCase(@event{eventiOSPushPermissionAllowed.device.model}, 'iOS'))