List fallback offers
Last update: March 13, 2024
- Topics:
- Decision Management
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A fallback offer is sent to customers if they are not eligible for other offers. The steps to create a fallback offer consist in creating one or several representations, like when creating an offer.
You can view a list of all fallback offers within a container by performing a single GET request to the Offer Library API.
API format
Parameter | Description | Example |
{ENDPOINT_PATH} | The endpoint path for repository APIs. | |
{CONTAINER_ID} | The container where the fallback offers are located. | e0bd8463-0913-4ca1-bd84-6309134ca1f6 |
{SCHEMA_FALLBACK_OFFER} | Defines the schema associated with fallback offers. |;version=0.1 |
{QUERY_PARAMS} | Optional query parameters to filter results by. | limit=1 |
curl -X GET \
';version=0.1&limit=1' \
-H 'Accept: *,application/vnd.adobe.platform.xcore.hal+json; schema=""' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
-H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
-H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {IMS_ORG}' \
-H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'
Using query parameters
You can use query parameters to page and filter results when listing resources.
The most common query parameters for paging include:
Parameter | Description | Example |
q | An optional query string to search for in selected fields. The query string should be lowercase and can be surrounded by double quotes to prevent it from being tokenized and to escape special characters. The characters + - = && || > < ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ \" ~ * ? : \ / have special meaning and should be escaped with a backslash when appearing in the query string. | default |
qop | Applies AND or OR operator to values in q query string param. | AND / OR |
field | Optional list of fields to limit the search to. This param can be repeated like so: field=field1[,field=field2,…] and (path expressions are in the form of dot separated paths such as _instance.xdm:name) | _instance.xdm:name |
orderBy | Sort results by a specific property. Adding a - before title (orderby=-title ) will sort items by title in descending order (Z-A). | -repo:createdDate |
limit | Limit the number of fallback offers returned. | limit=5 |
A successful response returns a list of fallback offers that are present within the container you have access to.
"containerId": "e0bd8463-0913-4ca1-bd84-6309134ca1f6",
"schemaNs": ";version=0.1",
"requestTime": "2023-10-22T07:12:30.923768Z",
"_embedded": {
"results": [
"instanceId": "053bc610-f8f9-11ea-ad6e-775ad2c9b1a1",
"schemas": [
"productContexts": [
"repo:etag": 3,
"repo:createdDate": "2023-09-17T15:18:20.657299Z",
"repo:lastModifiedDate": "2023-10-02T02:34:48.034583Z",
"repo:createdBy": "{CREATED_BY}",
"repo:lastModifiedBy": "{MODIFIED_BY}",
"repo:createdByClientId": "{CREATED_CLIENT_ID}",
"repo:lastModifiedByClientId": "{MODIFIED_CLIENT_ID}",
"_instance": {
"xdm:name": "F1: Web fallback ",
"xdm:representations": [
"xdm:components": [
"xdm:content": "aaa",
"@type": "",
"dc:format": "application/json",
"repo:name": "aa"
"xdm:channel": "",
"xdm:placement": "xcore:offer-placement:122201b2150d98c2"
"xdm:components": [
"xdm:content": "bb",
"@type": "",
"dc:format": "text/html",
"repo:name": "bb"
"xdm:channel": "",
"xdm:placement": "xcore:offer-placement:122201c34354a2b4"
"xdm:components": [
"xdm:deliveryURL": "",
"@type": "",
"dc:format": "image/png",
"repo:name": "ll"
"xdm:channel": "",
"xdm:placement": "xcore:offer-placement:122207eddb05205a"
"xdm:status": "approved",
"xdm:tags": [],
"@id": "xcore:fallback-offer:122206064e0d98df"
"_links": {
"self": {
"name": ";version=0.5#053bc610-f8f9-11ea-ad6e-775ad2c9b1a1",
"href": "/e0bd8463-0913-4ca1-bd84-6309134ca1f6/instances/053bc610-f8f9-11ea-ad6e-775ad2c9b1a1",
"@type": ";version=0.5"
"sandboxName": "ode-prod-va7-edge-testing"
"total": 5,
"count": 1
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/e0bd8463-0913-4ca1-bd84-6309134ca1f6/queries/core/search?schema=;version=0.1&limit=1",
"@type": ""
"next": {
"href": "/e0bd8463-0913-4ca1-bd84-6309134ca1f6/queries/core/search?start=053bc610-f8f9-11ea-ad6e-775ad2c9b1a1&orderby=instanceId&schema=;version=0.1&limit=1",
"@type": ""