Update a decision item
Last update: October 18, 2024
- Topics:
- Decision Management
- Collections
- Experienced
- Developer
You can modify or update a decision item by making a PATCH request to the Offer Library API.
For more information on JSON Patch, including available operations, see the official JSON Patch documentation.
API format
PATCH /{ENDPOINT_PATH}/offer-items/{ID}
Parameter | Description | Example |
{ENDPOINT_PATH} | The endpoint path for persistence APIs. | https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/dps |
{ID} | The id of the entity you wish to update. | offerItem1234 |
curl -X PATCH 'https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/dps/offer-items/offerItem1234' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
-H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
-H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {IMS_ORG}' \
-H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
-H 'x-schema-id: {SCHEMA_ID}' \
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/_experience/decisioning/decisionitem/itemName",
"value": "Updated offer item"
"op": "replace",
"path": "/_experience/decisioning/decisionitem/itemDescription",
"value": "Updated offer item description"
Parameter | Description |
value | The new value you want to update your parameter with. |
path | The path of the parameter to be updated. |
op | The type of operation to be performed. Operations include: add , replace , remove , copy and test . |
A successful response returns the details of the updated item, including the id. You can use the id in later steps to update or delete your decision item.
"etag": 2,
"createdBy": "{CREATED_BY}",
"lastModifiedBy": "{MODIFIED_BY}",
"id": "{ID}",
"sandboxId": "{SANDBOX_ID}",
"createdDate": "2023-05-31T15:09:11.771Z",
"lastModifiedDate": "2023-05-31T15:09:11.771Z",
"createdByClientId": "{CREATED_CLIENT_ID}",
"lastModifiedByClientId": "{MODIFIED_CLIENT_ID}"