List decision items
- Topics:
- Decision Management
- Collections
- Experienced
- Developer
Journey Optimizer allows you to create marketing offers, known as decision items, that you can create and organize into a centralized catalog and collections. They are made up of standard and custom attributes designed to align precisely with your needs. Additionally, they incorporate profile constraints that allow you to define to whom a decision item can be shown.
You can view a list of all decision items by performing a single GET request to the Offer Library API.
API format
Parameter | Description | Example |
{ENDPOINT_PATH} | The endpoint path for persistence APIs. | |
{QUERY_PARAMS} | Optional query parameters to filter results by. | limit=2 |
Using query parameters
You can use query parameters to page and filter results when listing resources.
The most common query parameters for paging include:
Parameter | Description | Example |
property |
An optional property filter:
| property=name!=abc&property=id~.*1234.*&property=description equivalent with property=name!=abc,id~.*1234.*,description. |
orderBy | Sort results by a specific property. Adding a - before name (orderby=-name) will sort items by name in descending order (Z-A). Path expressions are in the form of dot separated paths. This parameter can be repeated like so: orderby=field1[,-fields2,field3,...] | orderby=id ,-name |
limit | Limit the number of entities returned. | limit=5 |
curl -X GET '<>' \
-H 'Accept: *,application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
-H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
-H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {IMS_ORG}' \
-H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
-H 'x-schema-id: {SCHEMA_ID}'
A successful response returns a list of offer items that you have access to. The _<imsOrg>
node houses custom decision items attributes.
"results": [
"created": "2024-06-10T16:00:34.014Z",
"modified": "2024-07-09T22:59:21.507Z",
"etag": 1,
"createdBy": "{CREATED_BY}",
"lastModifiedBy": "{MODIFIED_BY}",
"id": "offerItem5678",
"_experience": {
"decisioning": {
"offeritem": {
"fCapConstraintsLastIndex": 0,
"lifecycleStatus": "draft"
"decisionitem": {
"itemCalendarConstraints": {
"endDate": "2030-12-31T08:00:00.000Z",
"startDate": "2024-06-10T04:00:00.000Z"
"itemCatalogID": "itemCatalong1234",
"itemConstraints": {
"eligibilityRule": "rule1234",
"profileConstraintType": "eligibilityRule"
"itemDescription": "Offer item description",
"itemID": "offerItem5678",
"itemLabels": [],
"itemName": "Offer Item One",
"itemPriority": 1,
"itemTags": []
"_<imsOrg>": {
"some_field": "some value"
"created": "2024-06-04T17:51:52.849Z",
"modified": "2024-06-28T18:29:27.951Z",
"etag": 5,
"createdBy": "{CREATED_BY}",
"lastModifiedBy": "{MODIFIED_BY}",
"id": "offerItem1234",
"_experience": {
"decisioning": {
"offeritem": {
"frequencyCappingConstraints": [],
"fCapConstraintsLastIndex": 0,
"lifecycleStatus": "approved"
"decisionitem": {
"itemCalendarConstraints": {
"endDate": "2030-12-31T08:00:00.000Z",
"startDate": "2024-06-01T07:00:00.000Z"
"itemCatalogID": "itemCatalong1234",
"itemConstraints": {
"profileConstraintType": "none"
"itemDescription": "Offer item description",
"itemID": "offerItem1234",
"itemLabels": [],
"itemName": "Offer Item Two",
"itemPriority": 2,
"itemTags": []
"some_field": "some value",
"some_boolean_field": true
"count": 2,
"total": 844,
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/offer-items?orderby=-modified&limit=2",
"type": "application/json"
"next": {
"href": "/offer-items?orderby=-modified&limit=2&start=2024-06-28T03:44:15.630Z",
"type": "application/json"