Integrate with Marketo Engage integrating-with-marketo-engage

Embark on a journey of seamless data integration with Marketo Engage. This specific custom action in Journey Optimizer supports the ingestion of two key data types:

  • Persons (Profiles): Marketo transforms profiles into actionable insights.
  • Custom Objects: Tailor your data with custom objects, such as products, for a personalized marketing approach.

Prerequisites prerequisites

  • The customer instance of Marketo Engage must be IMS-enabled.
  • Marketo Engage instance and AEP/AJO instance must be in the same IMS Org.
  • The customer must be provisioned with MktoSync: Ingestion Service access

Configuring the action configure-marketo-action

  • Navigate to Administration > Configurations > Actions and click on Manage
  • From the Actions list, click Create Action. Read more on Custom actions.
  • Enter Name, Description, and select Adobe Marketo Engage as Action type


  • Click Edit payload for your Request and Response payloads.
  • For both, compose your payload and Paste it in the dedicated popup.


  • Inspect and configure payload values
    Note: To pass values dynamically, for each field change Constant to Variable.


  • Click Save in the Field configuration window then Save for your custom action.

You can now use your custom action on your dedicated canvas.

Payload syntax payload-syntax



Payload Example for Person

   "munchkinID": "388-KKG-245",
   "person": {
    "priority": "normal",
    "partitionName": "XYZ",
    "dedupeFields": {
      "field1": "email",
      "field2": "firstName"
    "objects": [
        "email": "Email address",
        "firstName": "First name",
        "lastName": "Last name"

Payload Example for Custom Object

  "munchkinID": "388-KKG-245",
  "customObject": {
    "priority": "normal",
    "objectName": "products",
    "objects": [
        "email": "Email Address",
        "productName": "Product Name",
        "productQty": "Product Quantity",
        "priceTotal": "Price Total"

Using the action engage-using

  • Drag the custom action onto the journey canvas.
  • In the Request parameters section, click Edit for each of the parameters with dynamic values that you have configured in the payload.

