Direct Mail Channel
Learn how to set up the Direct Mail channel and how to create and preview direct mail campaigns.
Amidst all of the daily communications that a customer receives, personalized direct mail campaigns can truly stand out. By delivering physical tailored mail to known and potential customers, brands can create an engaging experience that cuts through clutter and yields a meaningful response. Adobe Journey Optimizer enables organizations to craft direct mail campaigns alongside digital channels, utilizing familiar personalization tools and even incorporating offer decisions. In this video, we’ll learn how to set up the direct mail channel, how to create and preview direct mail campaigns, and how to view metrics and reports for direct mail. Let’s take a look. I’ll start the setup of my direct mail channel by first creating a file routing configuration. If you do not see file routing configuration options, be sure to check your product profile rights and permissions. Clicking Create New will give me the option of choosing my server type, either Amazon S3, SFTP, or soon Azure. When I’ve selected the server type, I can enter the additional credential details and then click Submit to activate this new file routing config. Since I’ve already created a few previously, I’m good to go. The next part is you want to create a new direct mail channel surface. I click Create New Channel Surface, select Direct Mail as my channel, and then I can choose the different file format options from the dropdown menu. You’ll see I have CSV or text delimited. If choosing text delimited, I can also choose the column separator here. I’m going to choose pipe to ensure that I don’t run into any issues with addresses on the file output. I’ll give it a name. I also need to choose the file routing configuration that I want this particular channel surface to use. I’ll choose DM-AJO and click Submit. With my submitted and active direct mail channel surface, I can now go over to Campaigns to create a direct mail campaign. In my AJO campaign, I’ve selected direct mail as my action and I’ve also selected my surface. In the campaign form, I can select my audience and also my identity type. I can then choose if I want to activate this campaign manually or at a particular date and time. I can also choose to execute once or I can choose to set the campaign as recurring. In this case, I will keep the settings as once. Next, I’ll edit the content. Let’s take a look at a direct mail that I’ve already started. In the direct mail authoring screen, I’m first asked to provide a file name. I can also choose to automatically add a timestamp to the file to help prevent accidentally overwriting any other campaigns exported with the same name. I can choose to add any important notes to the file, either at the beginning or the end of the file, and then I can begin adding my data fields. When adding a new row, I can give it a label and I can choose to add in any static or dynamic text. All of the standard Journey Optimizer personalization tools are available to use and can assist in formatting text or creating conditional values. Using personalization favorites, saved conditions, or saved expressions can help speed up the personalization flow. Now that I have created a few data fields, I can choose to reorder the fields by drag and drop. I can also select a particular data field and choose the sort by option to make sure that the file output will be sorted based upon that particular row value. Before activating this campaign, I can use the simulate content to select a test profile and preview what the output will look like. This helps to ensure that any expressions I’ve created work correctly or that I haven’t chosen a field that will be empty for most profiles. If I am satisfied with the preview, I can then return back to the campaign to activate it. Depending upon the size of the audience selected, it can take some time to compose and export the file. Once my campaign is complete, I can access reports to get a better understanding of any users that may have been excluded or any other errors. In summary, Direct Mail and Adobe Journey Optimizer provides marketers with another way to engage their audience with personalized mail that can be delivered to their doorstep. Thanks for watching!