Email templates
For an accelerated and improved design process, you can create standalone email templates to reuse custom content across Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition account journeys. Through templates, your content-oriented team members can work on email content outside of journeys. Marketing strategists can then reuse and adapt these standalone templates inside their account journeys. For example, one team member is in charge of content only, with no access to account journeys. However, they can create an email template that marketers can select as a starting point for email communications and customize it according to the requirements for the journey.
Access and manage email templates
To access email templates in Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B edition, go to the left navigation and click Content Management > Templates. This action opens a listing page with all the email templates created in the instance listed in a table.
The table is sorted by the Modified column by default, with the most recently updated templates at the top. Click the column title to change between ascending and descending.
To search for a template by name, enter a text string in the search bar. Click the Filter icon at the top left to filter the list according to creation or modification dates, and templates that you have created or modified.
Customize the columns that you want to display in the table by clicking the Customize table icon on the top right. Select the columns to display and click Apply.
From the displayed list of templates, you can take the actions described in the following sections.
Create an email template
You can create an email template from the email template listing page by clicking Create template at the top right.
In the dialog, enter a useful Name and Description (optional).
Click Create.
The Design your template page opens and provides multiple options for creating the template: Design from scratch, Import HTML, or Select design template.
After you select the method that you want to use to start your email template design, use the visual designer to author your email template content.
Design from scratch
Use the visual content editor to define the structure of the email content. By adding and moving structural components with simple drag-and-drop actions, you can design the shape of the reusable email content within seconds.
From the Design your template home page, select the Design from scratch option.
Add structure and content to the template.
Import HTML
Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition allows you to import existing HTML content to design your email templates.
Imported content can be:
An HTML file with an incorporated style sheet
A .zip file that includes an HTML file, the style sheet (.css), and images
note note NOTE There are no constraints on the .zip file structure. However, references must be relative and fit with the tree structure of the .zip folder. The images are always uploaded to the connected Marketo Engage assets repository. If you want to manage the image files in Experience Manager Assets, upload them separately in that app interface and change the image links in the email designer.
To import a file containing HTML content:
From the Design your template home page, select the Import HTML option.
Drag and drop the HTML or .zip file containing your HTML content and click Import.
tag as the first layer in an HTML file can cause style loss, including background and width settings in the top layer tag.You can personalize the imported content as needed with the visual designer.
Select a design template
You can choose from:
Sample templates. The Journey Optimizer interface offers 20 out-of-the-box email templates that you can choose from.
Saved templates. Use a saved custom template that you either created from scratch using the Templates menu or saved from an email in a journey using the Save as content template option.
Use the Select design template section to start building your content from a template. You can use a sample template or a saved custom email template from your Journey Optimizer B2B Edition instance.
On the Design your template home page, the Sample templates tab is selected by default. To use a custom template, select the Saved templates tab.
The list of all email templates created on the current sandbox displays. You can sort them by Name, Last modified, and Last created.
Select the template that you want from the list.
After selection, this displays a preview of the template. In preview mode, you can navigate between all the templates of one category (sample or saved, depending on your selection) using the right and left arrows.
When the display matches what you want to use, click Use this template at the top right of the preview window.
This action copies the content into the visual content designer, where you can edit the content as needed.
Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition offers a selection of email templates offered out-of-the-box, which can be used for creating emails and email templates.
View email template details
In the Templates listing page, click the name of an email template to open the email template details page. From here, you can view basic properties for the email template and access the visual content editor to make changes to the template content.
View the email template details, such as name and description. These settings can be edited. Click outside of the description box to save changes automatically.
View the email template properties such as created by, created on, last updated on, and modified by.
Click More at the top right to take quick actions on the email template, such as Duplicate and Delete.
If there are active alerts (errors and warning for the email template), click Alerts at the top right to view the information.
These alerts do not prohibit use of the email template for email creation. The information provides visibility for marketers on your team about what might not work and the required updates before it can be used for delivery.
View email template used-by references
Within the email templates details page, click the Used By tab to view details of where this email template is used in emails across account journeys.
Emails in Journey Optimizer B2B Edition are embedded and authored within journeys, so the parent journey of the email that uses the template is displayed in references.
Clicking the link takes you to the corresponding journey email where the email template is used.
Exit the view at any time by clicking the Back arrow, which returns you to the listing page.
Edit email templates
This action can be taken from:
- The details page - Click Edit email template.
- The listing page - Click the ellipsis (…) next to an email template and choose Edit.
This action takes you to the Design your template page or the visual content editor page (based on the last saved status of the email template). From here, you can edit your email template content as needed. See Create email templates for information about the editing options.
Duplicate email templates
You can duplicate an email template using either of the following methods:
From the email template details on the right, expand More and click Duplicate.
From the Email Templates listing page, click the ellipsis (…) next to the template and choose Duplicate.
In the dialog, enter a useful name (unique) and description. Click Duplicate to complete the action.
The duplicated (new) email template then appears in the Email Templates listing.
Delete email templates
An email template removal cannot be undone, so check before initiating a delete action. You can delete an email template using either of the following methods:
From the template details on the right, expand More and click Delete.
From the Email Templates listing page, click the ellipsis (…) next to the template and choose Delete.
This action opens a confirmation dialog. You can abort the process by clicking Cancel, or click Delete to confirm removal.
Take bulk actions
From the email templates listing page, select multiple templates at a time by selecting the checkboxes to the left. A banner appears at the bottom when you select multiple templates.
Delete – You can delete up to a maximum of 20 templates at one time. A confirmation dialog allows you to abort the action or confirm the removal of the templates.
Author an email from a saved template
From the Create your email screen, use the Select design template section to start building your content from a template.
To start building your content with one of the email templates created, use the following steps:
Access the Email Designer from the Edit content page.
On the Create your email page, the Sample templates tab is selected by default.
To use a custom email template, select the Saved templates tab.
This tab displays a list of all email templates created on the sandbox. You can sort them By name, Last modified, and Last created.
Select the template of your choice from the list.
After selection, this displays a preview of the template. In preview mode, you can navigate between all the templates of one category (sample or saved, depending on your selection) using the right and left arrows.
Click Use this template at the top right.
From the visual content designer, edit your content as needed.