Conditional content
Conditional content allows you to adapt email content based on conditional rules. These rules are defined using profile attributes or contextual events. You can create conditional rules in the rule builder, and you can store them for reuse across your account journeys.
To add conditional content into your email messages, Adobe Journey Optimizer allows you to apply conditional rules that are stored in the Conditions library. Apply conditional rules within the email designer as you author an email within an account journey.
Add conditional content to emails email-content
As you author an email for your account journey in the email designer, use conditional rules to define multiple variants for a content component.
Select a content component and click the Enable conditional content icon in the component toolbar.
The component is outlined in orange to indicate that it is activated as a conditional component. The Conditional Content pane displays on the left with the Default variant and _Variant - 1.
The original content you selected and activated is the default and applies when none of the conditional rules are not satisfied for any of the variants that you define.
From this pane, you can define multiple variants for the selected content component using conditional rules.
Hover over the first variant (Variant - 1) and click the Select condition icon (
The Select condition dialog opens and displays the conditions library.
If you want to view details for a condition to ensure it is what you want, click the More menu icon (…) and choose View Info.
If the condition that you need does not exist, create a conditional rule by clicking Create new.
Select the conditional rule and click Select to associate it with the variant.
You can review the associated condition by clicking the More menu icon (…) for the variant and choosing View condition.
Click X at the top right to close the popup.
For better readability, rename the variant by clicking the More menu icon (…) for the variant and choosing Rename.
Enter a meaningful name for the variant that helps you to identify the variant and its intent.
With the variant selected in the left pane, change the component to alter how it appears in the email message when the condition is true.
In this example, the variant for the text component uses a different description based on the region of the recipient.
If needed, define another variant by clicking Add variant.
Repeat steps 2-5 to select a condition, rename the variant, and change the component for the variant.
You can add as many variants as needed for the content component. Change the selected variant in the left pane at any time to check how the content component appears for the condition.
note important IMPORTANT Conditional content is evaluated against associated rules in the order in which the variants are listed. The first variant with a condition that evaluates as true is used for the component. If none of the defined variant conditions evaluates as true when sending the email, the content component appears according to the Default variant. -
To delete a variant, click the More menu icon (…) for the variant and choose Delete.
Click Delete in the confirmation dialog.
Conditional rules
Conditional rules are a set of conditional expressions that can be evaluated as true or false. You can use these rules to determine which content variant to display in an email message based on various criteria, such as profile attributes or contextual events.
Conditional rules are stored in the conditions library, where they are available for reuse across journey content for your organization.
Create a conditional rule create-condition
You can access the conditional rule builder from the email designer when you are selecting a condition for a component variant.
In the Select condition dialog, click Create new and choose the condition type:
- Person condition - Choose this type to build the conditional rule using person attributes and contextual events.
- Account condition - Choose this type to build the conditional rule using account attributes.
Build the conditional rule according to your needs.
For each attribute or event that you want to include in the rule, drag and drop the item onto the rule canvas. Expand the filter and complete the expression.
If you include more than one filter, set the Filter logic:
- Apply all filters - The rule evaluates as true if all the filters are true.
- Apply any filters - The rule evaluates as true if any of the filters is true.
On the right, enter the Name and a Description (optional) for the rule.
Use a meaningful name and useful description to help others in your organization so that they can reuse it instead of creating another duplicate condition.
When your conditional rule is complete, click Save.
The conditional rule is saved to the library and you can select it for the current variant. It is also included in the library for use by any other dynamic content variants across account journeys.
Duplicate a rule
Conditional rules saved to the library cannot be modified. However, you can duplicate an existing rule and change it to create a new rule.
Click the More menu icon (…) for the variant and choose Duplicate.
A duplicate of the rule opens in the rule builder. Use the duplicate as a starting point for the rule that you want to build.
In the rule builder, change, add, or delete conditions according to what you need.
Change the name and description to match the purpose or items in the rule.
When your conditional rule is complete, click Save.