Buying group role templates

In a B2B market, buying decisions are usually made by multiple individuals. Those individuals participate in the decision-making process according to their role within the organization. Create Buying Group role templates that contain these role definitions according to each product offering type or account use case.

Video {width="30"} Watch the overview video

Access and browse role templates

  1. In your Adobe Experience Platform home page, click Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition.

  2. On the left navigation, click Buying groups.

  3. In the Buying groups page, select the Roles Templates tab.

    Roles Templates tab {width="700" modal="regular"}

    The tab provides an inventory list of all existing roles templates with the following columns:

    • Name
    • Status
    • Creation date
    • Created by
    • Last update
    • Last updated by
    • Published on
    • Published by

    The list is sorted by the Last update column by default.

    The number of live (published) roles templates is displayed at the top-right of the page. All roles templates have a status of Draft or Live.

  4. To filter the list by name, use the search field at the top of the list.

    Enter the first few characters of the name to reduce the displayed list to the matching items.

    Roles Templates filtering by search string {width="700" modal="regular"}

Create a roles template

  1. From the Roles Templates tab, click Create template at the top-right corner.

  2. In the dialog, enter a unique Name (required) and Description (optional) for the template.

    Create Roles Template dialog {width="400"}

  3. Add a rule for each role that you want to define for the template.

    • Choose the Buying group role from the list.

      For the current release, there are six roles: Decision Maker, Influencer, Practitioner, Executive Steering Committee, Champion, and Other.

      Buying group roles list {width="700" modal="regular"}

    • Set the Weighting for the role, which is used to calculate the engagement score.

      The value for each option is translated to a percentage for the score calculation: Trivial = 20, Minor = 40, Normal = 60, Important = 80, and Vital = 100.

      For example, a role template with roles using Vital, Important, and Normal, are then converted as 100/240, 80/240, 60/240.

    • Add conditions for auto-assignment - Select this checkbox to add conditions for auto-assigning members to the buying group who match the condition. If the checkbox is not selected, then adding conditions is NOT required.

    • Required for completeness score - Select this checkbox for the role if you want it to be a requirement for calculating a completeness score.

    • Click Add Condition.

      • In the condition dialog, expand the list of Person attributes and locate an attribute that you want to use to match the role. Drag it to the right and drop it in the filter space.

        Roles template add condition drag attribute {width="700" modal="regular"}

      • Use the attribute to create a matching filter using one or more values.

        In the following example, the Job title attribute is used to identify a match for Decision Maker. Any value for title that starts with Director or Sr Director evaluates as true for the condition.

        Roles template condition example using job title {width="700" modal="regular"}

      • If needed, add another attribute and condition that further refines the criteria for a match to the role.

      • Click Done.

    For each additional role that you want to include for the template, click Add another role and define one or more conditions to match for the role.

    Roles template with multiple roles defined {width="700" modal="regular"}

  4. If the template is ready for use, click Publish at the top-right.

    Publishing the template sets it to a Live status and makes it available to associate with a Solution Interest. There must be at least one defined role to publish the roles template.

    Your changes are auto-saved in the Draft status. If you are not ready to publish the roles template, click the left (back) arrow at the top of the page and return to the Roles Templates list.

Edit a draft roles template

When a roles template is in a Draft state, you can continue to edit the defined roles. Any changes that you make are automatically saved.

Change any of the settings in the header of the role card, including the buying group role, weighting, auto-assignment, and completeness scoring requirement.

Change buying group role properties {width="600"}

Modify the filters for a role

To change the filtering logic for any of the roles, click the Edit (pencil) icon at top right of the role card. This action opens the Conditions workspace where you can modify an existing filter, add another filter, remove a filter, or change the filter logic.

Delete a role card

If you want to remove a role from the template, click the Delete (trashcan) icon in the role card.

Set the priority for roles

You can re-order the roles within the template, which determines the priority for assigning leads to a role. There is a Priority controller displayed to the right of each role card. Click the Up or Down arrow at the right to move the role card up or down in priority.

Change role priority {width="700"}

Delete a roles template

You can delete a roles template if it is in the Draft status.

  1. Select the roles template from the list to open it.

  2. Click Delete at the top right.

    Change role priority {width="700"}

  3. In the dialog, click Delete to confirm.

Overview video
