Create buying groups

After the buying group is created, it is available for use in an account journey through the solution interest.

  1. In your Adobe Experience Platform home page, click Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition.

  2. On the left navigation, click Buying groups.

  3. In the Buying groups page, click the Create buying groups at the top-right on the page.

    Click Create buying groups {width="700" modal="regular"}

  4. Follow the prompts on each page and click Next to proceed.

Guidance page

The first page provides guidance about the prerequisites/components that are required for creating buying groups. If you know that you have the necessary components in place, click Next.


  1. Select each component that you want to use:

    • Solution interest - Select the solution interest from the list.

    • Account audience - Click # and select an account audience from the list.

    Under Properties, the name for the buying groups is automatically generated (read only) as < Solution interest name > for < account name >.

    Click Create buying groups {width="700" modal="regular"}

  2. After you select the solution interest and the account audience, click Create.


The confirmation dialog provides a summary of the buying groups process and an estimated time for completion. To confirm and launch the process, click Create.

Create buying groups confirmation dialog

You can navigate user to the Solution interest tab and display the count of jobs created for the solution interest.

Click Create buying groups
