Get started with a journey

To get started with an account journey, create the journey and then construct the nodes and journey flow in the journey editor.

Create an account journey

  1. On the left navigation, click Account journeys.

  2. Click Create Account Journey at the top-right of the page.

  3. In the dialog, enter a unique Name (required) and Description (optional).

    Create Account Journey dialog

  4. Click Create.

Add the account audience for your journey

An account journey always starts with Account Audience where you can add input to your journey.

  1. Click the Account audience node to display the node properties on the right.

    Account audience node

  2. Click Add account audience.

    You can select an audience segment that was previously selected by clicking Add audiences.

  3. To create a new audience segment, select Account audiences in the left navigation.

  4. Click Create audience and follow the steps described in the Segmentation Service guide.

Building blocks of a journey

The journey canvas is the central zone in the journey designer. It is in this zone that you can add journey nodes and configure them. Click a node to open its properties pane to the right of the canvas and set them according to your design.

You can build your journey using any of these node types:

Guard rails

To help you build a journey without running into errors, the following guard rails are in place:

  • Deleting a Split path node: You cannot delete a node without deleting all subsequent nodes in each path.
  • Deleting a Merge node: A merge node can be deleted only when there is one path connected to it. To delete a merge node, leave only one path selected.
  • Switching between account and people: You cannot change the selection from accounts to people without deleting all subsequent nodes in each path.

Add a node

  1. Navigate to the journey editor.

  2. Click the plus ( + ) icon on the path and select the node type.

  3. Set the node properties on the right.

Delete a node

  1. Navigate to the journey editor.

  2. In the node properties on the right, click the Delete (trashcan) icon.

  3. In the conformation dialog, click Delete.

Add and delete a path

  1. Navigate to the journey editor.

  2. Click the plus ( + ) icon on the path and add the split path node.

  3. In the node properties on the right, select Account.

  4. To add more paths, click Add path.

    With each path that is created in the journey, a new path card appears in the properties.

  5. Navigate to one of the paths in the journey and add action or event nodes to this path using the plus icon.

  6. Select the split path node to open the properties on the right.

    Notice that the paths that have nodes on them cannot be deleted.

  7. To delete these paths, you must delete all the nodes on that path first.

Schedule a journey

When you publish a journey, it can start immediately or on a scheduled future date. The end date can be a maximum of three years from the start date. After a journey is published (Live status), you can update the end date of the journey but not the start date.

  1. Navigate to the journey editor.

  2. Schedule your journey by clicking Journey settings in the header.

  3. In the dialog, set the schedule options:

    • Chose a schedule type.

      To activate the journey at publish time, choose Immediately.

      To activate the journey on a future date, choose On a specific date and click the Calendar icon to select the date.

      Journey settings dialog

    • Specify the End date for the journey. It can be a maximum of three years from the start date (this field is required).

  4. Click Save.

    When you are ready to publish your journey, you can review these settings when you click Publish.

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Journey Optimizer B2B Edition