The Enrichment activity allows you to enhance the targeted data with additional information from the federated database. It is commonly used in a composition after segmentation activities.
If you have configured a connection to the Federated Audience Composition destination, you can use the Enrichment activity to enrich data coming Adobe Experience Platform with attributes from your external database. Learn how to enrich Adobe Experience Platform audiences with external data
Enrichment data can come either:
From the same work table as the one targeted into your composition:
Target a group of customers and add the “Birth date” field to the current work table.
From another work table:
Target a group of customers and add the “Amount” and “Type of product” fields coming from the “Purchase” table.
Once the enrichment data has been added to the composition, it can be used in the activities added after the Enrichment activity to segment customers into distinct groups based on their behaviors, preferences, and choices.
Configure the Enrichment activity
Follow these steps to configure the Enrichment activity:
Add activities such as Build audience and Combine activities.
Add an Enrichment activity.
If multiple transitions have been configured in your composition, you can use the Primary set field to define which transition should be used as primary set to enrich with data.
Click Add enrichment data and select the attribute to use to enrich the data.
The Edit expression button in the attribute selection screen allows you to build advanced expressions to select the attribute.